2011. Year of double-digit epic

2011. Year of double-digit epic

Rule. First two words express the number of the year of double-digit

2011 Radioactive(11) pollution, Fukushima Nuclear power Plants

Assassinate (11) Osama bin Laden.

Surrounding (11) Europe, Iceland volcano eruption extends the volcanic ash.

Independent(11) new nation "South Sudan" starts.

Abomination(11) Norway continuous terrorism Occurs. 

Synchronous (11) Greece fact on the default. Plummet Italian government bonds. US Treasury default crisis.

Synchronous (11) Chile and Iceland volcano eruption. Earthquake in New Zealand and East of Japan.

Suppression(11) hating, Arab Spring spreads in the billiard to Chenijia, Libya, Egypt and so on

Distasteful(11) Germany outbreak.
Epidemic of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli that makes more than 50 people dead..
