How to think on shogi 2020 2

Ⅳ End game force
Bring the king near mate while it is hard for opponent to do so.
We read almost all, if we have any time.
Effective and efficient
While taking / the opponent's control disappears / pieces get / pieces approach or work / Escape route can exist.
Sacrifice in a key point + control through / open the space / let opponent to take the piece and divert, open space, block the control. 
Multiple offensive plots don’t make opponent both defenses.
Be able to respond to opponents' attacks with the defending tactics.
Stack up our defenses and attacks and twist each other to win.
☆ Bring the king near mate.
Drive our opponent's king into a dangerous condition/ thin/ dangerous zone/ pull the king out of the castle / We can check at any time.
Protect /threaten to take pieces < We mate the king.
We attack near king.
The gain and loss of the piece/
the piece runs away. < We approach the king. Bring the king near mate. Attack faster.
Attack while our king is safe.
Opponent doesn’t bring our king near mate. → /Attack is linked. /Attack does not cut./ Use a wide range of the board.
Attack that takes control of the characteristics of conditions and circumstances.
Attack efficiently according to the circumstances. 
The place where the opponent is weak or nothing? The place where the power is superior? → We can drop directly or move pieces or pieces can’t be taken or we can take back.
How the pieces control?  What's the arrangement? What do we have in our hand? What about pawned pieces? What if we don't move the pieces?
Which pieces work when they move? 
Attack the key point.
× the attack that does not sound. × attack with few blows.
What's the best way to get along with this shape?
Invite our opponent's piece to attack there.

☆Control around the king. Exit blockade.
We can make more effective control at once/ Control with only king.
Make a foothold.
Find the escape route of the king. →Measures.
If we let the king go, we'll squeeze. We keep holding it from the basis and preventing it from escaping.
We will add to the basis.
Attack attacking pieces to build a basis.
Squeeze (block the exit of the king) + dropping piece with check.
Squeeze + threaten to take (floating piece)
Squeeze. The number of escape locations is blocked to the procedure one by one.
Chasing the king → Squeeze.
Build a basis to block the escape route.
Bring the king near mate to wrap it. Pincers movement. Attack the edge king by the edge pawn.
We invite the king to the dangerous zone. We sacrifice to invite the king without taking piece.
Sacrifice and drop the king down. → We prevent the king from escaping with taking, when we take the rook.
Mate without taking the pieces. Chase and the king will be escaped.
Three attacks cannot be cut.

We can add a piece without running away against being threatened to take.( pin down, control disappears, make or erase the space.)

○Building basis
Sacrifice → Take → Threaten to take and add the basis.
We make a winning basis → Add the pieces.
Attacking to use multiple basis. → we can drop a piece in each.
In the procedure, the direction which the opponent's king runs away can have a basis/ The piece advances/ To supply the piece.

◎Fill the space with our opponent's piece.
Use the wall of our opponent's piece to bring the king near mate.
Build a wall and attack the opposition.

◎Drive into the corner of the board
We drive a king to the edge.
The lower king can’t escape under the bottom. Squeeze by the basis in the third rank.
☆Take or deflect the pieces around the king.
Take, deal with or aim at pieces that are close to a king. We take off a piece of work(gold).
We do so by a Minor piece. We exchange for more important pieces.
〇Take the pieces.
We can deal with all the ways of escaping by the king. We make a basis at the king’s exit. We remove a piece and erase the control of a key point.
Erase the piece in a key point. Exchange a major piece for a minor one, a pawn or a knight and we drop or move at the key point.
We exchange dragon king for minor one and let the other dragon king inactive away → advance the dragon horse to the key point.
Supply the pieces. We devise and the pieces (pawn) are enough.
Let opponent attack so that we can get pieces… get the pieces we want.
Understand pawned pieces. / Be sure to read the move that exchanges a major piece for a minor one.
Go to take by adding a piece. We sacrifice in a place by our control and we don’t take it back and sacrifice, then take back.
sacrifice→ take → advance the piece there.

〇We'll take the reinforcements to win. → We take away pieces.
〇Attack aimed at the pawned piece, and make the pawned piece.
The aim is to get a piece that can exploit weaknesses against our opponent's shape.
We make a pawned piece by letting opponent protect.
Defend and trade for offensive pieces. Which pieces will be mate when we get?

Because I want a bishop, I force to exchange a rook for a dragon horse.

☆Distract the opponent's pieces’ control.
Shift our opponent's powerful piece/dragon horse with our pawn tactics.
Shift the control of the rook with a pawn, a striking pawn/ a dangling pawn / Sacrificed pawn to promote/ interposed pawn.
Which pieces will be mate when they move?
Attack without dealing with the piece that the opponent is working on.
Shift the placement of opponent with a pawn tactics.
The pieces of the attack and defense / the piece of the key → attack and liquidate and let opponent attack and opponent’s pieces diverted of the control of defending.
Aim or deflect a piece that cannot move.

◎Continuous attack
Attack → Opponent defends. → Connect to the next attack / If taking the piece, the mark shifts, and the piece is added so that the piece may rush to the basis.
Sacrifice → Take → Mark shifts and we add a piece to the basis.
Pick a move according to opponent’s move by letting the king decide the shape with the check to chase.
×There is no move when opponent threatens to take and defend.
×Don't attack. → Pieces end without working.
〇 The situation. Place. The type and number of pieces in hand.
While the opponent's piece is not working / do not miss the hole / while the control of our piece remains.
〇Force opponent
If we miss a big chance to force and opponent defends it, the attack is delayed.
We attack without ignoring at the right time to do so.
A big attack without ignoring / approaching the king of the opponent / narrowing the king / pawn to promote → the interposed pawn.
It is a basis in the key point while chasing the opponent's piece.
Multiple effective moves.
The piece which can be taken at any time is put off and we approach the king. → Take it at an effective timing.
Build a basis while our opponent takes a piece. Divert the control of our opponent's base. Divert the control of basis, knight by knight / Add the pieces that we will not be taken because of diverting while our control remains.
Force. Threaten to take. → If ignoring,→Check /mate / threatmate /threaten to take.
We force for two moves that the opponent takes.



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