



- この小説のために、特別な世界を作らなければならなかったのですね。

イシグロ そうです。

- 言わば、それ自体で閉ざされた世界ですね。

イシグロ ある程度はそうです。私はこの世界を子供時代のメタファーにしたかったのです。つまり、中にいる人は、外界が十分理解できないということです。子供が生きている、言うならばバブル(気泡)の中に流れ込む情報を、大人たちがかなり慎重にコントロールできる場所です。我々は、もちろんいろいろな点からみても、このような施設の中で成長するわけではありませんが、大人の中で生きていても、子供時代というのは、こういうものだと思います。精神的な面からみると、予供というのは言わばこのようなバブルの中に入れられて、それはまったく正しいことなのです。予供を人生の厳しい現実から守るためです。成長するにつれて自分たちを待ち受けていることについて情報を拾い集め、子供同士でいろいろ話し合うのです。ですからある意味で、物理的に外界から分けられているこのような施設を設定することで私は、子供時代がどういうものであるかを象徴させたかったのです。読者は(子供の気持ちになり)外で何が起こっているのか、と想像するでしょう。それで、へールシャムという場所を作ることに関心を持ったのです。

イシグロ 小説家として、テーマをいろいろな角度から掘り下げていくことができます。この話を書くときに最初に思いついたことの一つは、話の中に“逃亡”を入れることでした。それは誰でも最初に思いつくことです。例えば、搾取されたカーストのメタファー、人間の精神についての話にもできるだろうということに気づいたのです。奴隷と反乱の話です。でもそういう話は書きたくなかった。






20 January 2015 1:10pm
Yes, definitely. I spent many years thinking about things like France's way of facing up to (or not facing up to) the occupation years; the disintegration of the old Yugoslavia; Japan's memory of its role in WWII, etc. When is it better for a country to remember accurately? When does a nation need to forget just in order to hold together and stop itself descending into violence and civil war? But in The BG I'm also interested in how this question applies to a marriage - or any long-term relationship. Shared memories are crucial to a relationship. But the same questions apply here. When is it better for a couple to forget and move on? When should they explore the dark corners of their past together and face these things? Anyway, you can see what you make of the new book when you read it.

judgeDAmNation asks:

The Unconsoled is also my first experience of your writing, and at just over 200 pages in I’m wondering why I ever left it so long to investigate your books. Needless to say, the book has prompted much debate in our Reading Group, but a common theme seems to be that the book is a meditation on stress and memory.

Personally I see the book more about guilt and artistic success, and particularly the guilt that the artist feels towards neglecting his family in the name of his craft (hence Boris being forgotten in the cafe for hours on end and so on) - is there an element of this in the book, or am I reading too much of myself into it? (Having two young children of my own, the predominant theme in my life seems to be guilt at either not spending time with them due to work, or not being a good enough role model when I am with them). I read an old interview of yours the other day where you mentioned how having children changed you, and so I was just wondering how much of this feeling impacted on the book - there are certainly moments like this that strike me as incredibly poignant...


20 January 2015 1:03pm

I think it's fair to say the book is fuelled by stress and by guilt - the both of them. Not just parents' sense of guilt towards their children, but the child's sense of guilt and responsibility for things going wrong in the parents' world. I think there's quite a lot there too about people trying their utmost to fulfil other people's ideas of what they should be - other people they love - and the tragic strain that puts on them.

I enjoyed The Unconsoled so much that I didn’t want to reach the end but, when I got there, the final scene turned out to be one of my my favourites. It made me want to laugh, smile affectionately and cry all at the same time. Readers seem to interpret it in many different ways though. Did you mean it to be ambiguous or was there a particular message you wanted to convey?

The endings to my novels often go for a kind of sad courage. (I think my new one - The Buried Giant - ends on a note like this too. I must try and break this pattern at some point.) The situation may well be pretty hopeless, but the protagonist makes a huge desperate effort to be optimistic, against all the odds. I admire that in people. Their ability to find a bit of courage, a bit of optimism, a bit of humour and spirit in the face of overwhelming knowledge that it's all hopeless, everything one cared for is lost...

By the way, that ending on the tram turns up in musical form as the title track of Stacey Kent's 2007 Blue Note album 'Breakfast On The Morning Tram'. I co-wrote the song with Jim Tomlinson, and it's consciously a recreation of the ending to The Unconsoled. You could call it 'The Consolations of Breakfast' or something like that. I liked the idea of it happening on a tram going round and round the city on a circular track. I liked the kindness of strangers, and the overwhelming comfort of breakfast food and coffee.

Glad you loved it. Not everyone does. I've just been reading it over the weekend in preparation for this webchat - and I'm not sure I always loved it all of the time! But about this dream business. I don't think I ever thought of it literally as a dream. It was more that I was telling a story, set in a particular kind of world a little removed from the one you and I normally live in, and I decided to borrow from the world of the dreaming mind. It was more like thinking, well, if the Dreaming Mind was a famous author, and I was allowed to plagiarize many of his/her signature stylistic quirks, what would they be? Which ones would I most want to nick? So yes, a lot of what happens is dream-like, and I did refer to my own dreams in working out how to do things. Not the content of the dreams, just the method by which my dreams went about unfolding a narrative, etc. The Unconsoled isn't about dreams. It just borrows a lot of the techniques and stylistic traits from the average dreaming mind. Far too many to list here, but you know what I mean. Old schoolfriends turning up out of context, with little sense of surprise. Being able to 'remember' or 'realize' a huge hunk of someone's backstory when you've run into them for the first time. The backward projection of intentions. Odd ability to witness things happening outside of one's normal field of vision, etc, etc.

Not sure I agree there's relentless cruelty, etc. The conceit in the book is that a community's musical values are crucial to its well-being. If they get their musical priorities wrong, it will lead to inevitable decline and misery; conversely, getting them right will lead to regeneration and happiness. e.g. the guy called Christoff - he's the cellist who came to the town some years before, and became their 'guru': now that decline has set in, the community is turning on him in much the way people might, in our world, turn on a political/religious leader they once believed in, who they now blame for all their woes. The bitterness shown to Christoff is of the same ilk - and proportion - as we show to such figures who we feel have misled/betrayed our trust. The town poet you mention, I think, is the guy who does a turn at the concert at the end of the book. He's a minor figure, but I guess he just gets caught up in the high stakes emotion of the town, as does poor Brodsky.
