FY2024 ラジオビジネス英語Interview(1-8)


What I gathered from the interview with Dr. Juneja was the rationale behind the traditional rice confectionery manufacturing company, hiring a foreign CEO.
His mission is to propel the business onto the global stage with innovative ideas and reshape the mindset of the employees.

That's right.
Dr. Juneja explicitly outlined the company's goal of targeting 8 billion people worldwide.
Additionally, he emphasized the company's role in contributing to the environment, improving nutrition, and positively influencing the lifestyle of society.
These messages must have resonated strongly with the employees.

I think so too.
From the moment Dr. Juneja entered the studio for this interview, he exuded a bright aura to those around him.
So, I can easily imagine that his cheerful and positive personality serves as a driving force in leading employees.

Just by listening to the interview, I got a sense of his positive attitude.
I was struck by his story that he made an effort to assimilate into Japan by continuously eating sashimi.
That must have been no ordinary feat.

It's important to approach challenging situations with a positive mindset, but it's easier said than done.
Dr. Juneja also said that internal job transfers can be an opportunity to learn new tasks, while getting paid.
What are your thoughts on his ideas?

I found his idea quite refreshing.
In Japanese companies, there has traditionally been a culture of learning various jobs through internal job rotations, but there has been a shift toward nurturing specialists instead.
So, Dr, Juneja seems to be capitalizing on the strength of traditional Japanese corporate culture.

Last but not least.
In terms of learning English, he highlighted the significance of expressing one's thoughts without excessive concern about mistakes.
This is common advice among several interviewees who have taken in this program.
I encourage our listeners to be mindful of this aspect.

Words and phrases

rationale: 理由付け。理論的根拠。
propel: 推進する。突き動かす。
explicitly: はっきりと。明確に。
resonate with ~: ~の共感を呼ぶ。
exude: 発する。溢れ出す。
driving force: 原動力。
assimilate into ~: ~に同化、順応する。
feat: 偉業
It's easier said than done.: 言うは易く行うは難し。
internal job transfer: 社内の人事異動。
capitalize on: ~を活用する。
last but not least: 最後に、重要なことですが。 

Keep your dialogues flowing

In negotiations with ABC Corp, I propose maintaining the current quoted price.
Let's shift the discussion away from the discount rate and focus on improving after-sales services.

I was thinking along the same lines.
In the last meeting, they emphasized that there were critical factors other than just the price.
I believe that implies a focus on after-sales services.
