FY2024 ラジオビジネス英語Lesson(18)


Let me read out the first part of the email.

As you know, we're approaching the end of the fiscal year.
Here in Tokyo, we're compiling the financial statements of all subsidiaries across the globe in preparation for their submissions to the relevant authorities and stakeholders.

Well crafted.
Consider using 'group companies' instead of 'subsidiaries'.
We want to be seen as teammates, not a higher authority.
What's the next part?

Please make sure to send us all statements by April 15th, adjusted to the updated internal currency exchange rates.

Can we add a word of thanks at the end?
Yes, it's their job, but we need their cooperation.

It makes sense to be polite where possible.

Word and phrases

submission: 提出
relevant: 関係のある、関係した
authority: 当局、(役所) higher authority: 権力者、権限を持った人
stakeholder: 利害関係者(株主、顧客、従業員、地域社会、国、地球など利害関係のある人すべて)
craft: 作成する
internal currency exchange rate: 社内為替レート

Business phrase of the day

It makes sense to be polite where possible.

Given the traffic conditions, it makes sense to leave earlier than usual.

It makes sense to master an Asian language.

Alternative expressions

make senseに似た別の表現

Being polite is a logical choice whenever feasible.
It's sensible to be polite whenever possible.

Upgrade your communication skills


To ensure the deadline is met, I think it might be appropriate to ask them in somewhat assertive tone.

We're in charge of the whole process, so it seems reasonable to show a certain level of authority.
