FY2024 ラジオビジネス英語Lesson(7)


Take a wild guess.
What's the maximum maturity investors typically finance for startups?

Well, probably, 3 to 4 years?

No, it's usually up to 24 months.

Just 24 months?
Isn't it too short to produce results for a new business?

Maybe, but that's the culture here.
Investors think businesses won't grow unless they attract clients within the first two years.

That's a tough business culture.
What happens to entrepreneurs who fail in their businesses?

Failure is just part of the journey, and that's how you grow.
If a startup isn't performing well after two years of funding, they might sell the company, get a small cash return, and move on to the next idea.

Huh, that's how the ecosystem works here.

Business phrase of the day

Isn't it too short to produce results for a new business?

You need a strategy that can consistently produce results.

Our investment in R&D has started to produce results.

Alternative expressions

produce resultsの違う表現

Isn't the time too short to make an impact for a new business?

Isn't the time frame too constrained to see any meaningful outcome for a new business?

Upgrade your communication skills

テーマ: 疑問を率直にぶつける

I believe that the more groundbreaking a product or service is, the longer it may take to gain acceptance. 

I understand that it depends on business.
But are the criteria for assessment after 2 years more quantitative than qualitative?
