FY2024 英会話タイムトライアル「4月Day14」

Step1 Express

Long time no see.
What a coincidence.
How have you been?
I've been busy. How have you been?
The bus leaves at 2:30.
Two thirty. Got it.
Is this present for me? I'm speechless.

Step2 Create

Do you ~ often?
Do you come downtown often?

~ is that way.
The post office is that way.

~ was a priceless experience.
Swimming with dolphins was a priceless experience.

Step3 Reply

How are you doing?
Good thanks. How are you?

Shall we sit towards the front or towards the back?
Let's sit towards the front.

Do you use smart cards like this one in Japan?
Yes, there are smart cards like this in Japan, but I downloaded an app, so I use my smartphone for the trains and shopping in Japan.
