FY2024 ニュースで学ぶ現代英語(5/17)熱中症特別警戒アラート 運用開始

Japan introduces special heat stroke alert

Japan's warning system to prevent heat-related illness has begun operations for this year, as the country gears up for what could be another intensely hot summer.

It includes a new special alert against heat stroke.

The alert will be issued in prefectures where the so-called wet bulb globe index is estimated at 35 or higher at all observation points.

Japan has never before recorded that kind of dangerous heat and humidity which could cause serious damage to people's health across a wide area.

Prefectures where the special heat stroke alert is issued will need to take action, including opening pre-designated cooling shelters.

Schools, businesses, and event organizers will also be required to take steps to protect people from heat stroke.

That includes cancelling events and keeping people home if there's no way to keep them cool.

wet bulb globe index: 暑さ指数。気温だけではなく湿度や地面や建物からでる熱(輻射熱)の三つの要素から計算される。
gear up for: ~の準備をする、~に備える。

scorching weather: 焼けつくような天候
sizzling hot summer: うだるように熱い夏
blazing: 焼けつくような、灼熱の
sweltering: うだるような
stifling: 息が詰まるような
