FY2024 ラジオビジネス英語Lesson(19)


I've just sent you the final draft of the email.
I hope it's okay.

Thank you, Edwin.
I should be fine.
I'll be busy sending emails in the next few days.

What do you mean by busy?
All you need to do is send a single group email, right?

No, not really.
I'll be sending individual emails to the managers in charge.
People often don't read group emails properly.
I'll try to preempt potential issues by contacting them individually.

That sounds like an effective way.
Well, tough issues may emerge down the road, but I'm fully prepared.

I'm counting on you, Edwin.

Thank you, Kaoru.
It'll be a great opportunity for me to build relationships with colleagues globally.

Words and phrases

properly: ちゃんと、しっかりと
preempt: 先手を打って~を阻止する
down the road: この先、ゆくゆくは
be prepared: 準備ができている
count on: ~を頼りにする

Business phrase of the day

I'll try to preempt potential issues by contacting them individually.

We chose to preempt potential questions during the presentation.

The government introduced regulations to preempt environmental issues.

Alternative expressions


I'll aim to prevent potential issues by reaching out individually.

I'll proactively handle any potential issues by making individual contacts.

Upgrade your communication skills


I want to acquire practical skills in consolidated financial statements.

I aim to handle issues smoothly and earn the trust of colleagues at overseas locations.

I want to learn about the business conditions of our overseas operations.
