FY2024 ラジオビジネス英語Lesson(50)



The meeting between Mr. Naka and Helen gets down to business.
Helen initiated the topic herself.

Listening point
What has Helen been witnessing?

The answer is: 
She's been witnessing a rise in the number of third-country shipments.


Naka-san, today, I'd like to discuss the possibility of expanding our services to non-Japanese companies in Asia.
I believe there's a significant opportunity for us to offer our services to large cooperations in the region.

An interesting proposition.
I'm all ears.

Traditionally, Japanese trade has revolved around importing materials and components from overseas, manufacturing them in Japan, and exporting the finished products.

That's true, but component parts are now procured worldwide, manufactured at production sites abroad, and then partly sold directly to third countries.

We've been witnessing a rise in the number of third country shipments that exclude Japan from the process.
It seems likely that this trend will gather pace in the future.

Words and phrases

proposition: 提案。
I'm all ears.: ぜひ、聞かせて下さい。
component: 部品。
procure: 調達する。得る。
production site: 生産拠点。工場。
partly: 一部は。
witness: 目の当たりにする。目撃する。
third-country shipment: 三国間輸送。
exclude: 除く。(対義語: include)
gather pace: 加速する。

Business phrase of the day

It seems likely that this trend will gather pace in the future.
gather pace: 加速する。

Global warming has gathered pace.

Demand for automatic translation tools[machine] will gather pace.

Alternative expressions

gather paceの違う表現

It seems that this trend will gather momentum in the times ahead.
gather momentum: 勢いを増す。(gain momentumという表現もある)

There are signs that this trend will accelerate in the coming years.

Upgrade your communication skills


That's quite an intriguing idea. I'm definitely interested in learning more about your vision.

I appreciate your initiative in exploring new avenues for our services.
I'm eager to hear more about your thoughts.

I'm impressed by your forward-thinking approach.
I'm keen to delve deeper into the possibilities.
delve into …: …を掘り下げる。 

Thank you for bringing this project to the table.
I'm curious to hear more about your strategy.
