FY2024 ラジオビジネス英語Lesson(55)



Mr. Naka and Helen are discussing challenges, considering solutions, and coordinating the time frame going forward.

Listening point
What's Helen's timeline for implementing this strategy?

The answer is:
She envisions it happening over the next 6 months.

Business scene

We see great opportunities, but what challenges might be on the horizon?

We might face network issues outside Asia.
U.S or European logistics firms have more extensive networks in their home markets.
If the transportation doesn't involve Asia, clients may prefer a company with local expertise.

Well, let's not be too ambitious.
Instead, let's concentrate on businesses that involve Asia and see how things unfold.
By the way, what's your timeline for implementing this strategy?

I propose a phased approach that involves narrowing down target markets and clients with our local offices.
We'll then initiate discussions with potential clients.
I envision this happening over the next 6 months.

Sounds exciting.
I appreciate your proactive approach.

Thank you for considering my proposal.

Words and phrases

be on the horizon: 待ち受けている。兆しが見える。
extensive: 広範囲にわたる。
ambitious: 野心的な。
unfold: 展開する。
implement: 導入する。実行する。
phased approach: 段階的なアプローチ。
narrow down: 絞り込む。
initiate: 始める。
envision: 思い描く。イメージする。

Business phrase of the day

What challenges might be on the horizon?

With the new product launch, a new customer base is on the horizon.

Stricter regulations on data protection may be on the horizon.

Alternative expressions

be on the horizonの違う表現。

What obstacles might be in sight?
in sight: 目に見える。間近に。

What hurdles might be ahead?
ahead: これから先。前方に。

Upgrade your communication skills


Where we don't have a network, we partner with local logistics companies and transportation providers to offer seamless services.

We leverage digital technology to enhance real-time communication and data sharing with overseas locations.

We're strengthening risk management including disaster and security measures. In particular, Japan is a country with many natural disasters, so we have a lot of expertise especially with regard to disasters.
