FY2024 ラジオビジネス英語Lesson(27)


Daniel, I notice you've been busy.
I've heard rumors that executive support for salvaging the SC department is at 50 percent now.

Yes, thank you for delaying the board meeting.
Those three days were crucial.
Our boss has flown to Tokyo to convince more board members to offer their support.

I spoke to the external audit team today and hinted at the possibility of restructuring the semiconductor department.
They indicated that would be a smart move.

How should we explain it at the shareholders' meeting?
I'm concerned shareholders might raise questions about the losses.
Should we combine the numbers with a better-performing operation to smooth things out?

I mean transparency is the key.
Let's look for evidence to persuade them that the semiconductor business could make a recovery.

Words and phrases

crucial: 極めて重要な
external: 外部の, (⇔internal:内部の)
audit: 監査
hint at: ~をほのめかす。~を示唆する。
restructure: 事業を再構築する
indicate: 示す
be concerned: 心配している
smooth out: 障害や壁を取り除く
transparency: 情報の透明性

Phrase of the day

I'm concerned [that] shareholders might raise questions about the losses.

The manager is concerned about the lack of communication within the department.

I'm concerned about the team's productivity.

Alternative expressions

be concerned の違う表現

I'm worried that shareholders might raise questions about the losses.
be worried: 心配な

I fear that shareholders might inquire about the losses.
fear: 恐れる

Upgrade your communication skills


What's wrong with combining the numbers?
Honesty doesn't pay.
As long as it's legal, it should be okay.

It's not just about being legal.
Even if you try to conceal the fact that the business is in the red, savvy investors will notice and might think we were trying to hide something.
It's better to be upfront.
I believe honesty does pay.
