FY2024 ラジオビジネス英語Lesson(16)

Subject: Meeting minutes

Hi, all.
Thank you for your contributions to the meeting yesterday.
Please confirm the following to-do items.
Finalize the invitation list for the trade fare by April 26th.
Check the shipping schedule with the exporters in Taiwan to ensure the goods are in place, five days before the start of the trade fare.
I've attached the meeting minutes for your review.
If there are any points to add or modify, please let me know by this Friday.


Please rest assured that the products will arrive well in time to meet the deadline. 

well above 10%

The delivery will comfortably meet the deadline, so you can be at ease.

Subject: Shipment update from Taiwan

Konnichiwa, Chinatsu-san.
I checked with our client in Taipei and  Kaohsiung, regarding the shipment of their products.
Please rest assured that the products will arrive well in time to meet the deadline.
They intend to ship the products later this week or early next week.
I'll keep you updated on any developments.

Have a great day.
Michael Juan.

Hey, everyone.
Just wanted to say a big thank you for joining the meeting this morning.
It got pretty intense at times, but in the end, we wrapped it up on a positive note.
I've already uploaded the meeting memo to the shared drive.
So be sure to take a look when you get a chance.
As for the government subsidy matter, I'll be keeping a close eye on it and we'll update you as soon as I have any fresh info.
Stay tuned and have a great day.


We're counting on you for the subsidy matter.

count on: ~に頼る。~を当てにする、。

We're relying on you for the subsidy issue.

Heated discussions, they say, bring in positive results.
That's exactly what our meetings are all about.
Joe, you've got this.
We're counting on you for the subsidy matter.
If you manage to get it, it's going to be a game-changer for this project.
I'll be doing my homework too to support the cause.
Let's make it happen.
