FY2024 英会話タイムトライアル「5月Day4」

Step 1

Let's take the train to Auckland.
How long does it take?
It takes about two hours.
I'd like a round-trip ticket.
The ticket gate for the cross-country train is that way.

Step 2

I took the train from New York to Boston.
It took about four hours.
We'll get off at Shinjuku station.

Step 3

Where do you call home?
I'm from Japan from Yokohama.

Do you know what a rail pass is?
Yeah, I can get on and get off at any station.

In Japan, do you take cross-country trains often?
Yes, I take cross-country trains once or twice a year.
They're called Shinkansen or bullet trains.
Last year, I went back to my parent's house for New Year's
