FY2024 ラジオビジネス英語Lesson(13)


So, what was your impression of the pitch event?
Did anything stand out compared to your expectations?

Yes, what surprised me was that many of the entrepreneurs appeared to be a bit older than I expected.
In Japan, there's a general perception that successful entrepreneurs are typically in their 20s or early 30s.

I understand.
The Tech Giants might give you that kind of impression, but in reality, many of them are around 50.
They've often faced failure a few times and learned valuable lessons, which makes investors feel rather comfortable.

That makes sense.
They have a deep understanding of the business world.
So, I'm interested to hear what inspired you to pursue your current business.

I'd be happy to share.

stand out: 目立つ
perception: 認識
That makes sense: それは理にかなっている。
pursue: 追及する

Business phrase of the day

Did anything stand out compared to your expectations?

Kathy's track record makes her stand out as the ideal candidate for the job.

This novel stands out in terms of its compelling storyline.

Alternative expressions

Did anything leave a significant impression on you compared to your initial expectations?

Did anything unexpectedly grab your attention?

Upgrade your communication skills

To be honest, the enthusiasm on display today was a lot more than I had anticipated.

What inspired me was that the participants were actively asking questions.

I felt slightly uneasy watching the investors relentlessly bombard presenters with difficult questions.
