FY2024 ラジオビジネス英語Lesson(33)


Good morning.
Today, I'd like us to brainstorm our marketing strategy for Southeast Asia.
Following the success of Macha Chocolate Delights in mainland China and Taiwan.
It's time for us to expand our reach to Southeast Asia, starting with Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia.

It's crucial to understand the unique aspects of these markets. 

So, let's start with identifying similarities and differences between the Chinese and Southeast Asian markets.
Any insights or suggestions?

Allow me to begin with flavor variations, there are some common inclinations, such as a love for sweetness, but specific flavor preferences can vary.
Chinese consumers might lean towards traditional flavors, like red bean or matcha, but Southeast Asians may favor tropical fruit tastes.

Words and phrases

mainland China: 中国大陸
aspect: 側面
flavor: (食べ物の)味、趣き、味わい
inclination: 傾向
specific: 個々の

Business phrase of the day

Chinese consumers might lean towards traditional flavors, like red bean or matcha.

lean toward … : …の傾向がある

Investors often lean towards safer assets during times of economic uncertainty.

I lean towards exotic cuisines when dining out.

Alternative expressions

lean towards の違う表現

Chinese consumers could be inclined to choose classic flavors, like red bean or matcha.

Chinese consumers tend to opt for traditional flavors, such as red bean or matcha.

Upgrade your communication skills


Your active participation is key today.
Don't hesitate to jump in with your thoughts.
Let's build on each other's ideas to create something remarkable.

I'm excited to see what we can accomplish today.
Our goal is to think outside the box.
So, don't hold back on any ideas.
There's no such thing as a bad idea here.

Today, we're here to generate some innovative ideas together.
Your perspectives are valuable.
So, let's create an open and inclusive space where every idea is welcome.

inclusive: 多種多様な意見を受け入れる
