FY2024 英会話タイムトライアル「6月Day10」

Today, you go to a cultural village in Fiji by bus.
But inside the bus, there are children, and you are helping them to get to the cultural village.
One child needs your help.
She got carsick.

Excuse me.

When will we arrive?
We will arrive in a few more minutes.

Oh, okay.
Are you gonna be okay?

I got a little carsick. I might throw up.
Just take a deep breath and relax.
And just use this bag, if you throw up.
You're gonna be okay.

Thanks. I think I'm gonna be okay. You're not carsick?
I'm fine, but I need to take a bio break after we arrive.

Oh, I can't find my phone. What time is it now?
It's ten o'clock.

Does your phone work here in Fiji?
Yes, of course.

Oh, look! The cultural village, thank goodness, and thanks for being a chaperone for our trip.
My pleasure.
I hope you feel better.

chaperone: 引率する人。付き添う人。
