FY2024 ラジオビジネス英語Lesson(25)


Have I submitted something wrong?

Relax, Daniel.
No discrepancies this year.
It's just that the semiconductor department's final numbers are in the red again.

Does that mean Tokyo wants to dissolve the department?

There's nothing personal in this, but the company guidelines state that if an operation loses money three years in a row, it will not be pursued further.

Fujita-san, this business is important for us to maintain political connections in Malaysia.
If we pull out, the authorities may not be so cooperative in the future.

I know, but how will shareholders see this?
Between you and me, it's on the agenda for the board meeting next Monday.
You should discuss things internally, and then seek support from Mr. Sato, the managing director, beforehand.
Good luck.

Words and phrases

in the red: 赤字で
dissolve: 解体する、解散する
in a row: 連続して
pursue: 追いかける、求める。(本文では、事業を継続させる、という意味)
pull out: 撤退する
cooperative: 協力的な

Business phrase of the day

If we pull out, the authorities may not be so cooperative in the future.

The government's decision to pull out of the treaty surprised the world.

The CEO decided to pull out of the merger negotiations.

Alternative expressions

pull outの違う表現
If we withdraw, cooperation from the authorities may diminish in the future.
If we opt to discontinue, the authorities may not maintain the same level of cooperation in the future.

Upgrade your communication skills


From Tokyo's perspective, they see this issue not as specific to Kuala Lumpur alone, but rather as a concern for the entire semiconductor operation.
So, the fate of Kuala Lumpur may depend on the process of restructuring the business.

Personally, I don't want that to happen.
However, there are voices expressing concerns about allowing exceptions in dealing with three-year deficits.
It's unclear what decision will be made.
