FY2024 ラジオビジネス英語Lesson(38)



The discussion shifts toward product variations, with a continuous flow of fresh ideas from Amanda and Iris, 

Listening point

In Vietnam, what does the lotus flower symbolize?

The answer is
It's a symbol of purity and beauty.


How about offering limited-time regional variations? 
This approach wouldn't only showcase our adaptability, but also highlight our uniqueness.

Interesting suggestion.
Can you provide a couple of examples?

We could introduce unique flavors inspired by local preferences and seasonal ingredients.
Needless to say, a touch of matcha flavor should be added as well.
For Thailand, maybe mango-infused chocolate.

As for Vietnam, how about a chocolate variation inspired by the iconic lotus flower?
A symbol of purity and beaty in Vietnamese culture.
It would not just pay homage to the country's cultural symbolism, but also unveil a distinct and elegant flavor profile.

Sounds great!
And for Malaysia, perhaps a bold and distinct durian flavored chocolate.

The innovative ideas just keep on coming.
I'm impressed.

Words and phrases

showcase: アピールする。
highlight: 強調する。目立たせる。
needless to say: 言うまでもなく。
a touch of : 少量の
infused: 味などを加えた。注入した。
pay homage to … : …に敬意を表する。
unveil: 明らかにする。
bold: 大胆な。
durian: ドリアン。

Business phrase of the day

Needless to say, a touch of match flavor should be added as well.

Needless to say, attention to detail is essential in quality control.

Needless to say, learning from mistakes is important in personal growth.

Alternative expressions

needless to sayの違う表現

Naturally, we should include a touch of matcha essence.
It goes without saying that we should add a bit of matcha flavor.

Upgrade your communication skills


How about capturing the essence of spring with delicate chocolate with a subtle aroma of cherry blossoms.

How about exploring unique blend featuring kinako powder, which will provide a nutty and toasty flavor to complement the richness of the chocolate?
roasted soybean flour[powder]: きな粉

How about creating a special edition, incorporating the sweet and earthy notes of sweet potato?
earthy: 土臭い。土の香りの。(自然の香りを感じさせる時のいい意味でもちいられる。)
