FY2024 英会話タイムトライアル「6月Day14」

Step1 Express

We wanna leave by eight.
So, let's get ready now.
If you're hungry, just have an apple.
Play nicely.
Who's it?
Let's do Rock-Paper-Scissors.
You're it.

Step2 Create

You wanna see this movie?

Do you know how to play tic-tac-toe?

Did you put your clothes in the laundry backet?

Step3 Reply

Do you wanna play together in the park?
Sure. What do you wanna play?

Do you know how to play hide and seek?
Of course, but who's gonna hide?

I wanna play tag. I'm it, ready?
Well, we don't wanna disturb other people. So let's not play tag here. How about a different game like read light green light.
