FY2024 ラジオビジネス英語Lesson(47)


Following the successful conclusion of all the events, Hiroshi, Amanda, and Iris gather at a cafe in Kuala Lumpur to reflect on the tasting.

Listening point
On what point did they receive constructive feedback?

The answer is:
on taste, texture, and packaging.


Three cities in a week.
Thank you for your support all the way through.
Now, it's time to reflect on the tasting events.

Overall, it was encouraging to get a lot of positive responses.
However, we received some constructive feedback on taste, texture, and packaging.
These insights will help us refine our products.

I want to highlight the engagement of our local staff on social media.
We received numerous inquiries about our products.
It might be worth putting more emphasis on online sales.

Both of you have raised important points.
The events were a fantastic opportunity to investigate high-end consumer preferences.
We've learned valuable lessons that will contribute to developing products for the region.
Our journey has just begun.

Words and phrases

all the way through: ずっと。最初から最後まで。
reflect on: ~を振り返る。
overall: 全体として。
encouraging: 励みになる。勇気づけられる。

Business phrase of the day

It's time to reflect on the tasting events.
reflect on: ~をじっくり考える。~を熟考する。

Meditation provides a quiet space to reflect on present moment.

Let's reflect on the impact of component supply shortages. 

Alternative expressions

It's a good moment to ponder the tasting events.
ponder: じっくり考える。熟考する。(慎重に真剣に考える。思いめぐらす)

Let's take a moment to contemplate the tasting events.

Upgrade your communication skills


So, the next step is to narrow down the flavors.
Up to now, the emphasis has been on customization for each country.
From an efficiency standpoint, the key is to identify a taste that's universally well-received across Southeast Asia.

It would be even better if we could create a flavor that also appeals to Westerners. We could then explore the possibility of exporting the products to the U.S. and Europe. This approach could help engage the accounting department.
