FY2024 ラジオビジネス英語Lesson(45)



Hiroshi, Amand, and Iris are going on a business trip to Southeast Asia.
At a sophisticated restaurant in Bangkok, they're hosting a tasting event for their matcha and fruit flavored chocolate.

Listening point
How will Hiroshi address the feedback on areas for improvement?

The answer is:
He'll look into refining the texture and enhancing the packaging.


Thank you for coming to this event.
We're excited to hear your thoughts on our chocolates.
How do you like them?

The combination of matcha and mango is surprisingly harmonious.
It captures the essence of Thai tropical fruits.
It's a delightful twist.

I'm glad to hear that.
Our product development team spent 3 months crafting these flavors.
Any areas for improvement?

Well, while the Thai-inspired flavors shine, the texture of chocolate could be smoother. 
It felt a bit grainy.
Also, the packaging could be more eye-catching.
I don't think it conveys the premium quality of the chocolates.

We'll look into refining the texture and enhancing the packaging.
Thank you for your input.
Please enjoy the rest of the tasting.

Words and phrases

twist: ひねり。工夫。
craft: 作る。(手作業で作るときに使われる。)
texture: 食感。
grainy: ざらざらした。(つぶが大きくて、きめが粗い感じ)
eye-catching: 目を引く。

Business phrase of the day

We'll look into refining the texture and enhancing the packaging.
look into: 検討する。可能性などを検討する。問題などを調べてみる。

Let's look into streamlining the process for better efficiency.

We're looking into investing in a renewable energy startup.

Alternative expressions

look intoの違う表現

We'll explore ways to improve the texture and upgrade the packaging.
We'll examine options for refining the texture and improving the packaging.

Upgrade your communication skills


Coconut is a familiar flavor for Thai people.
And to capture the essence of coconut, we introduced a distinctive grainy texture.
Would it be preferable to retain some of the graininess, or should we eliminate it entirely?

We learned that warm colors, such as yellow, red, and orange are preferred in Thailand.
However, we made a point of using green to evoke the image of matcha.
What colors do you think are appropriate for a luxury feel?
