FY2024 ラジオビジネス英語Lesson(23)


It would have been helpful if you had informed us sooner.

I understand.
I recognized the gravity of the situation.
That's exactly why I chose to wait until the situation became clear.

Do you have any idea about the cause of this incident?

I wish I did.
You mentioned a case at another overseas location where seasonal employees stole some parts for resale.
We can't rule out that kind of possibility.
I'm hopeful it might just be a miscalculation.

We hope so too.
Giorgio, you've successfully resolved many challenging issues in the past, and I have complete confidence in your abilities.

That's very kind, Kaoru.
I'll keep you updated on the developments.

Words and phrases

recognize: 認識する
gravity: 重大さ、重力、引力
seasonal employees: 季節従業員、季節労働者
rule out: ~を除外する
miscalculation: 計算違い、誤算
challenging: 難しい(が挑戦しがいのある)
keep … updated: ~に適宜知らせる

Business phrase of the day

We can't rule out that kind of possibility.

We should rule out biases, when choosing candidates.

We ruled out the idea that this was a human error.

Alternative expressions

We can't dismiss that kind of scenario.
dismiss: 考えなどを捨て去る、考えや案を退ける

We can't exclude the possibility of this happening.
exclude: (includeの対義語)、除く、除外する。

Upgrade your communication skills


I have complete confidence in your abilities.

This is indeed a serious problem.
First, please submit your investigation report by the end of today.
I'll then report it to Mr. Kaneko, our Chief Finacial Officer, first thing tomorrow morning, Tokyo time.

Giorgio, this is a challenge that we'll need to address collaboratively, working closely with your team.
There's always a solution to every problem.
Let's overcome this together.
