FY2024 英会話タイムトライアル「6月Day9」

Step1 Express

Did you get lost?
We got split up.
Let's go home before it gets dark.
Are you gonna be okay?
I'm gonna be okay.
Let's take a bio break.
We'll arrive soon.

Step2 Create

It's getting chilly.
chilly: 肌寒い

I got a little light-headed.
light-headed: 眩暈がする。くらくらする。

Is your grandma gonna be okay?

Step3 Reply

When will we arrive?
We'll arrive in a few more minutes.

You're not carsick?
I'm fine, but I need to take a quick bio break.

I got a little carsick. I might throw up.
Okay, just take a deep breath and relax.
And just use this bag, if you throw up.
You're gonna be okay.
