FY2024 英会話タイムトライアル「7月Day10」

Hi, everyone.
I'm Catherin Leland.
Try to complete a conversation with me today in your own words.
Here we go!

We are in Tahiti.
I'll be your conversation partner, as you practice saying no.
But say no gently.

You're walking around and one person then another person suddenly talks to you.
First, you'll be offered postcards, then another person, a painter, offers to paint a portrait for you, but you don't want them.
Just say no gently and politely, but don't only say no.
Hava a quick back and forth.

Postcards! Would you like some Tahitian postcards today?
No thanks, not today.

Okay. Hava a wonderful day!
Mauruuru, thanks, you too. Hava a wonderful day.

Excuse me. 

Bonjour. Do you speak French?
Unfortunately, I don't speak French at all.

What's your native language if I may ask?
Sure. My native language is Japanese. I was born and raised in Japan. I'm visiting Tahiti.

Well, welcome to Tahiti. Shall I draw a portrait of you?
Your portraits look fantastic, but maybe some other time.

Okay, enjoy your day.
Thanks, you too.

We did two things at a market this month. First, we got a nice pineapple smoothie. Do you remember? And then today we practice the technique of saying, no. Do you often say no? or do you usually say, yes?

I'm a yes, kind of a person.

I am too. It's not easy to say, no.
