FY2024 ラジオビジネス英語Lesson(20)

Subject: Revised quotation for ABC.

Hi, Pablo.
Following our discussion yesterday, we carefully reviewed how we can incorporate ABC's request to the best of our ability.
Please have a look at the attached revised quotation.
It would be great if we could engage in business with the client. 
If you have any questions or require clarification, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards.

Thank you for updating the quotation.
Thank you for providing the updated quotation.

Hi, Rie.
Thank you for updating the quotation.
We successfully renegotiated with ABC yesterday.
I'm thrilled to inform you that we're ready to move forward.
Fantastic news!
They formally requested us to proceed with placing an order for 15 unit under the revised condition.
For details, please refer to the attached order sheet.
We appreciate your flexibility and accommodating ABC's request.

Best regards.

Subject: Draft proposal for XYZ.

Hi, Rie.
It was awesome catching up with you after such a long time.
I've attached our draft proposal for XYZ.
Check it out.
Have any questions?
Feel free to contact me anytime.
I'd appreciate your feedback.
I'm all ears.
Have a nice weekend.


[I'm] Excited about the prospect of doing business with XYZ.

[I'm] Looking forward to the opportunity to engage in business with XYZ.

Hi, Tom.
Hope you had a great weekend.
Did you get to go surfing again?
Big thanks for sending your draft proposal.
We'll dive into it on our end and get back to you by the end of next week.
Excited about the prospect of doing business with XYZ.



We appreciate your effort in closing the deal.

We've broken down all the costs and services.

I've attached the revised quote summarizing the terms and conditions we talked about.
