
the box 8

Koharu was getting well,
and she become expressive again.

Koharu also prevented herself from
the worst case to avoid men
even on SNS.

Besides, the day I promised with
Mutso-san has come.

It's the day when the three of us
meet again.

Koharu's outfit was perfect.

She didn't go out to the city,
so she didn't make her style sharp
too much, but it was cute enough.

Koharu seemed nervous.

Though, it was like a normal girl
doing on her first date.

Koharu and I headed to the park,
which is the same meeting place
as before.

Koharu was already behind me
on the way to the park.

When I entered the park,
Mutsuo-san was waiting for us.

Mutsuo-san never approached
himself to Koharu.

He had a shy, awkward smile,
but he was smiling.

He was waiting for Koharu
to get closer to him.

Koharu was much closer to
Mutsuo-san because she was
sandwiching me.

However, I think it was an
unnatural distance from
the perspective of outsider.

After exchanging the words
"Nice to meet you" with each other,
Koharu said

"I'm really sorry for last time."

Mutso-san replied,
"Don't worry at all."

Their conversion was started with
just like a greeting.

Thinking about Koharu,
we'll only be in this park today.

I decided to sit on the bench
for the time being.

In the order of
Mutsuo-san, me, and Koharu,
we sat on the bench.

It was kind of strange scenery,
because two people who liked each other
were sitting across me.

Koharu was still shy and
couldn't see Mutsuo-san.

Mutsuo-san didn't look at Koharu
very much either.

Thinking more about Koharu's phobia
than his own shyness,
he seemed to do it.

At first, it was an
awkward conversation.

However, they had been
exchanging a lot of topics
with the messaging app.

Thus, they had great conversation
gradually, and they talk about
many things such as photographs.

They were talking a lot
across me.

I didn't want to get in the way of
their conversation.

Therefore, I told them not to tell me
something interesting to me.

"I think I'm just a wall,
because it's a date for two of you."

When I said that,
both of them got blushed.

Sitting between them,
I was studying how to make some
preserved flowers as a hobby
by using my smartphone.

They're kind, so they sometimes
wondered if I wasn't bored.

I wanted to be a perfect wall
for them.

"Are you hungry?"
Mutsuo-san asked us.

He continued,
"I'll buy something.
I wonder if there's a cafe
in front of the station ...".

Koharu said,
"Oh, I made some sandwiches, so
why don't we have them if you don't mind."

Koharu showed a cute basket
with a handle.

I told Mutsuo-san.
"Koharu's sandwich is delicious."

"Really? Then, can I have it?"

In Koharu, she asked me to pass
a hand towel to Mutso-san.

Hence, I gave one to Mutsuo-san.

Koharu took out the thermos and said.

"Can you drink tea?
Or, did you prefer coffee?"

"I can't drink coffee"

"Are you sure? Me neither."

Same as Mutsuo-san,
Koharu can't have coffee
and it maked her feel happy.

To tell the truth,
I can drink coffee and
I rather like it, but it doesn't
really matter at this point.

I gave the iced tea
that Koharu poured into the cup
to Mutsuo-san.

Somehow, the image of bucket relay
went cross to my mind.

I don't know what kind of tea leaves.

Of course,
sandwiches were well received
by Mutsuo-san, and their chat
went up after the lunch.

It's the first time that Koharu has been
with a man for such a long time.

A group of elementary school students,
a mixture of boys and girls,
entered the park on the way.

they soon got tired of this park,
which has few playground equipment,
and went somewhere.

They were boys and girls
around the age when
Koharu and I entered the facility.

After a long time,
no one else came to this park.

Thanks to that,
Koharu was able to spend time
with Mutsuo-san safely.

Thank you for the
unpopularity of this park.

And, of course,
it is thanks to Mutsuo-san that
Koharu did not have the symptoms
of male-phobia on that day.

Mutsuo-san left the
distance to Koharu.

He has keeping the right distance for
Koharu without any burden.

I don't think Mutsuo-san is
originally a type with loud voices
or furious movements.

However, it seemed that
he was trying not to take a
sudden move.

Mutso-san used to have a
shy smile at first.
However, towards the end,
it become more like a natural smile.

Mutsuo-san said that
he was not good at taking selfie.

That is, when he try to do it,
he seemed to have a stiff
facial expression.

I didn't care, but
when I met him last time,
I think he had a hard facial expression
and wrinkled between his eyebrows.

It's the first time for Mutso-san
to meet a girl that he likes,
so he must be nervous either.

I think he practiced his
soft facial expressions
so as not to scare Koharu.

In other words,
it is Mutsuo-san's concern for Koharu.

I felt that he wasn't calculated, and
he did it naturally
due to the thought of Koharu.

There wasn't any scene that
I was worried about.

I know I'm not in a position to say this,
but Mutsuo-san was a perfect for Koharu.

On that day,
they finished the date only in the park.

They just talked in the park
and ate some sandwiches.

However, I think it was an
irreplaceable time for Koharu.

That park where I played with water.

I left this park reluctantly,
which is similar to that park.

I'm sure Koharu was in
the same feeling.

we went to the park after that date.

I went on a date in the same park
to see if Koharu would be okay
with Mutsuo-san.

That's how Koharu, Mutsuo and I
met many times.

I was happy.

Koharu is now able to meet men.

Besides, she did it positively.

5,413 letters

日常と非日常を放浪し、その節々で見つけた一場面や思いをお伝えします♪♪ そんな旅するkonekoを支えて貰えたなら幸せです🌈🐈 闇深ければ、光もまた強し!がモットーです〇