
the box 5

One day, Koharu was attracted
to the pictures of the landscape
that were spread on a social media.

Koharu, who was avoiding men
even on SNS, was confirming
whether the article was posted
by a man or a woman when she
put a comment or press like button
to a stranger.

the poster of the landscape photo
was also using the photo on its
thumbnail image on the SNS.

The account name couldn't be
determined by gender.

The first person in the
posted text was "I".

The content of the text is
too ambiguous to determine
whether the poster is male or female.

There were no gender clues in the photo
that attracted Koharu, and it wasn't find
even in any of the other photos.

Koharu didn't have a definitive decision
if the poster is a woman,
but while she watches the photos,
she felt more motivated to comment on
the photos that attracted her.

The photo was cool and fashionable,
even though it wasn't a special view.

Koharu commented,
"It's a wonderful photo."

The poster returned, "Thank you."

Koharu then began to like the photos
and comment on them
that the poster posted.

She did this not only for photos
but also for text posts.

After a while, Koharu asked me,
"Is this person a woman or a man?"

I felt that it seems a man.

Koharu may have had
the same feeling.

When I answered,
"I feel it looks like a man,"
Koharu seemed happy.

I was glad to see Koharu
looked happy.

I thought Koharu had recovered from
the trauma caused by a boy
who had become friends on SNS
in the high school and invited her
to meet him, which makes her scared.

I think there was a feeling that
Koharu might not be able to
engage with men as it is.

Sometimes I wondered
why Koharu was so absorbed in
making clothes and accessories and

the reason
was to forget it.

I remember praying that Koharu
wouldn't be depressed this time.

Using SNS, Koharu continued to
interact with someone
that might be a man.

And then, they became
closer to each other day by day.

She started to communicate with
the person by direct messages
on SNS.

In addition, they were able to
connect with an application
that allows free calls and
exchanging messages.

Among their personal interactions
at that time, it seems that
the first person which the person used
was "I myself" rather than "I".

After asking the poster's real name,
Koharu finally found out that
it was a man.

Koharu came to tell me about that.

After telling me, Koharu said,
"What should I do?"

However, at that time,
her face was dim and
she didn't seem to have any trouble.

In addition, Koharu told me that
the man's name was Mutsuo-san.

Although Koharu was avoiding men
on SNS, she become happy to know

that the person who was
communicating with her was a male.

Looking about her, I also felt happy.

Koharu gave her heart to Mutsuo-san.

It seems that they contacted each other
and talked about various things
using the message application.

She also confessed to him that
she was a male-phobia.

Then, one day,
Koharu came to see me and said,
"I would like to meet Mutsuo-san."

I wanted to fulfill Koharu's wishes.

I asked Koharu,
"Why don't you invite him?"

Besides, I continued,
"I will follow you when you see him."

Koharu nodded with a
determined expression
after a short silence.

It's a big deal for Koharu.

After that, Koharu was worried about
how to invite him.

We talked about it.

In the case of Koharu,
it was difficult to decide
where to meet at first
because of her phobia.

It's impossible to do it at the place
where there are many people.

Having said that, it was the first time
for us to meet him, so we were
hesitant to invite him at our room.

Therefore, the location where
we meet with him must be a place
with few people outdoors.

It is clear that it is not suitable
for a meeting.

"I'm the one who invite him, so
I feel sorry to make such
small orders to him.
To tell the truth, I'm afraid," she said.

"Then, why don't you ask him
to take your picture?"
I suggested.

I added, "If you want him to
take your own clothes,
it's natural for us to come to a place
where there aren't many people and
it's also natural for me to go
with you as a model."

"Definitely! Saki, you are smart,"
Koharu agreed with my plan.

Immediately, Koharu started to
create a message for Mutsuo-san.

However, Koharu said.

"But if Mutsuo-san accepted
our plan to take a photo,
wouldn't we use his kindness?"

I said "perhaps, yes...".

"Sorry, I'm sorry, but in that case,
I can't do it.
Although you tell the plan for me,
I said such things.
I'm look like a fault finder."

Koharu said to me regrettably.

In response, I said,
"I think it's good for Koharu
to be convinced."

Then Koharu said.

"Although I may make him feel annoying,
I'll explain my current situation
and ask him to meet me."

Then she went back to writing
the message again.

Since she has a phobia,
the only tool that Koharu can
encounter man is the SNS.

Even the SNS, she kept her off
from male for years.

I don't know if she will have a
good meeting in the future.

However, I knew that
feeling guilty would be
a heavy burden for Koharu.

The reason why Koharu started
avoiding men with SNS
was because she was scared
just by being invited on it
and felt the guilty to herself.

Therefore, she had better not
thinking that she might use the
other courtesy, and
she should refrain from feeling guilty.

I prayed that Koharu's choice
would lead to good results.

At this time, what I could do for Koharu
was just praying her success.

Koharu spent several hours
to write the message.

Koharu asked me to read
what she wrote, saying
"Is this all right?"

I wanted to support Koharu
even a little, so l read it seriously.

The message was written obediently;
"I would like to meet you."

Besides, she politely apologized that
"Although I'm the one who invite you,
I'm really sorry for you to send
such some small orders."

I thought the content was
meek and positive.

"I think it's good," I told Koharu.

Koharu thanked me and
did the final check for the message.

Koharu took the time
as long as she could and pushed
the "Send" button to Mutsuo-san.

I remember that I got nervous
as same as her.

After sending the message,
a few minutes passed.

Then, Koharu's cell phone growled.

It is a notification vibe of
the message application.

It was a reply from Mutsuo-san.

He replied, "Let's meet."

Without our consciousness,
Koharu was able to meet
Mutsuo-san so easily.

Koharu continued exchanging
messages with Mutsuo-san.

In addition to the time and
the place to meet,
they tried to decide "how to meet".

Through such messages,
Mutsuo-san said that
it was okay to meet at any place.

It is said that he is going to use
the navigation of the map application.

“If Mutsuo-san got lost,
could I ask him to go to the place
where is easy to find him and
ask you to pick him up there?”

I was asked by Koharu.

I accepted and said,
"Leave it to me".

If Koharu's worries will be disappeared,
I intended to do everything I could.

In this way, the story went smoothly.

Koharu was already thinking about
what to wear.

"Since I'm not going to meet him
in the city, it seems weird
if I'm not rough style" she said.

I saw many patterns of coordination
for Koharu.

After they were decided to meet,
Koharu started talking about
Mutsuo-san more ofthe than ever.

That's how the days went by.

Just like that, the day has come.

Koharu and I were busy for preparing.

In that situation,
I asked Koharu, "I bought a
small plastic bottle of water yesterday,
so do you need it?"

There is no reply from Koharu.

I wondered if Koharu was crazy about
preparation and didn't listen to me,
so I called her again.

Peeking into Koharu's room,
I turned pale,

She was crouching, even though
she used to be normal until a while ago.

The seizure has been occured...

7,571 letters

日常と非日常を放浪し、その節々で見つけた一場面や思いをお伝えします♪♪ そんな旅するkonekoを支えて貰えたなら幸せです🌈🐈 闇深ければ、光もまた強し!がモットーです〇