
the box 2

Koharu refused to attend to the school
for about half a year, but she managed to
start the school again.

However, when Koharu went to the
junior high school, her refusal to attend
to the school was increased.

Classmate boys become masculine.

And senior students physique are
huge as much as adult men.

In addition, I have heard that
a naive female students seemed to make
an unreasonable conspiracy
against Koharu.

"She thinks she is cute,"
they said.

I've never heard of
their nasty gossip directly.

However, Koharu may have heard it
indirectly when she went to the school.

Still, at the time of a test,
she went to the school and
took the test at the health room.

Her grades were much better
than I was.

I often went out with Koharu
on my days off.

We used to play with three or four of
our friends in second grade.

Koharu almost never attended
to the junior high school,
but she had a friend there.

Our junior high school used to be
casual clothes when we were on
the school trip.

I'm not good at choosing clothes,
so I asked Koharu to choose them.

And on the day of my school trip,
I wore the clothes selected by Koharu.

Thanks to Koharu, many children told me
"Saki-chan is fashionable."

I was happy and answered,
"Koharu chose them for me."

Then, two of the classmates said
"I want to go buy clothes with
Koharu-chan," .

Whenever I and Koharu go out to
buy clothes with such young classmates,
we have to go to a crowded place
on holidays.

In a crowded place,
it's easy for us to get close to men.

It was impossible for Koharu
to go to such a place.

Koharu liked clothes and often went to
a recycling shop to see
second hand clothes.

Even then, if she found many males
in the store, she left the store and
came back home.

Thus, there is no doubt that
she can't go shopping easily.

I told them,
"Koharu can't go shopping."

Then, they said, "we got it," and they
took care of Koharu's circumstances.

After that, they asked
"Isn't it possible for Koharu-chan to tell us
how to choose clothes?"

I replied, "I'll ask it to Koharu."

After returning from the school trip,
I told Koharu that I was told fashionable
with the closes which Koharu chose.

Koharu seemed happy.

I also told Koharu about two classmates
who wanted to learn how to
choose clothes.

Upon hearing that, Koharu said,
"Well, I'm wondering if I can do that."

However, I proceeded with the statement,
"It's okay! You can make it."

That's why I went to meet the staff to get
a permission so as to call two classmates
to our facility.

And they came to our group home
on the day off.

They actively asked
several questions to Koharu.

Koharu responded politely,
though she might be shy about it.

I can't talk about clothes with Koharu,
because I'm not so good at it.

I remember feeling glad to have friends
who can talk Koharu about the clothes.

We also used our clothes to
coordinate them with some clothes
that they were wearing the day.

Then, after the fashion story was over,
there was a silence abruptly.

I thought I had to manage that silence
for some reason and said,
"Why don't we go to the park?"

After I said it, I regretted it.

Even though we are not
elementary school students,
I said them to go to a park,
which makes me feel shame.

However, the two of them
who came to play said,
"It's been a while since we went to a park,"
and agreed to my plan.

Therefore, all of us went to
the park on bicycles.

After the rainy season,
the sunbeam was strong outside.

There was no one in the park.

There were only us.

There was another large park
full of playground equipment
near the park.

Hence, everyone goes there.

This park had only a rusty swing,
a small slide,
and a low drinking fountain.

Although the size of such playgrounds
doesn't fit us, who became
junior high school students,
we played a slide only once.

Then, we cheered for a while
on the swing for the first time
in a while.

However, we soon had nothing
to do in this park.

At that time, I noticed that
the rust on the swing's handle
had stuck to my hands.

Thus, we went to the drinking fountain
to wash our hands.

It was a drinking fountain with a faucet
on the top and sides.

We washed our hands in turn
with the faucet protruding from the side.

It was happened
when one of the classmate
who came to play washed up her hands
and stood up.

While the other classmate was twisting
the faucet on the top
for drinking water,

she covered the water hole
with her fingers, made a small gap,
and used water pressure
to splash the water to the classmate
who stood up.

Koharu and I were in open-moused.

However, both of them
who splashed the water and
attacked by it were laughing loudly.

And the girl who splashed the water
did it one more time with the same way.

However, the girl
who got the attack wasn't quiet this time,

She received the water from the faucet
next to the drinking fountain
with both hands and
counterattacked it to the another girl
who was splashing it.

The girl who was counterattacked

On the other hand,
the classmate, who counterattacked,
drew water into both hands again
and chased her.

The girl who was escaping was
yelling joyfully.

Koharu looked at it and laughed,
crouching at the side of the faucet
to turn and close the screw.

Using the upper faucet
that had been left out for a while.
I sprinkled the water to Koharu,
who was standing up.

Koharu and I had a big laugh.

There, the chasing girl
returned to the drinking fountain.

She came back to replenish the water
and splashed it to me,
although she seemed to use it
to the girl who started playing this at first.

There is no safe girl
who is not wet anymore.

From there, it become messed up.

There are no enemies or allies.

If you water someone,
you would be watered
by someone from behind.

When you go to the drinking fountain
to supply water, you will be attacked
by the faucet above.

Even though we were talking about
clothes until a while ago,
everyone's clothes got soaked
and not fashionable at all.

"Let's stop," said one girl.

We answered,
"Yes, we agree with you ."

We went to the faucet together, saying,
"The water is left running"

However, the classmate
who should have said "Let's stop"
pretended to close the faucet
and pressed the fountain with her palm.

The water splattered vigorously
with her palms.

The girl didn't care if she
splashes on herself,
and waters everyone.

We ran away again, screaming.

Then, with the words, "Let's really stop,"
we will go to the drinking fountain again.

However, such scene has been refrained
betrayed, betrayed,
splashed with water,
escaped and escaped.

Someone betrayed again and
sprinkled water, saying, "No more."

It was repeated many times like a fool
without getting rid of it.

It was really fun and we had no choice.

Perhaps it wasn't before that
we laughed and yelled so much .

Even now, I occasionally talk about
having fun at that time with Koharu.

After that, we played several times
with two girls.

6,779 letters

日常と非日常を放浪し、その節々で見つけた一場面や思いをお伝えします♪♪ そんな旅するkonekoを支えて貰えたなら幸せです🌈🐈 闇深ければ、光もまた強し!がモットーです〇