
37 ”死んだ男の残した物は”谷川俊太郎作詞

1965 ベトナム戦争のさなかの反戦歌

ラジオ放送 ”すっぴん”から(もう終わっちゃったけど)
MCは高橋源一郎さん アンカーは藤井彩子さん

シバイヌモモはこんな反戦歌があるとは知りませんでした。遠い昔の反戦歌?・・・いや~ 今なお状況はちっとも変わってないですね。残念だけど世の中むしろ悪化してるみたい!

死んだ男の残したものは ひとりの妻とひとりの子供
他には何も残さなかった 墓石ひとつのこさなかった

死んだ女の残したものは しおれた花とひとりの子供
他には何も残さなかった 着物一枚残さなかった

死んだ子供の残したものは ねじれた足と乾いた涙
他には何も残さなかった  思い出ひとつ残さなかった

死んだ兵士の残したものは 壊れた銃と歪んだ地球
他には何も残せなかった  平和ひとつ残せなかった  

死んだ彼らの残したものは 生きてる私と生きてるあなた
他には誰も残っていない  他には誰も残っていない

死んだ歴史の残したものは 輝く今日とまたくる明日
他には何も残っていない  他には何も残っていない

All that the man left behind when he died

A man died and left a widow and a child,
Oh, that was all the man left behind when he died.
Oh, not another thing did he leave when he died.
His grave was left unmarked;
there was not a single gravestone.

The widow died and left behind a child and a withered flower.
Oh, that was all the widow left behind here when she died.
Oh, not another thing did she leave when she died.
Her clothes had turned to dust;
there was not a single garment.

The child died and left behind his legs, a twisted tangle.
Oh, that was all the child left behind him when he died.
Oh, not another thing did he leave when he died.
His tears had dried to dust;
There was not a single memory.

A soldier died and left behind the pieces of his rifle.
Oh, that was all the soldier left behind him when he died.
Oh, not another thing did he leave when he died.
The Earth was still at war;
there was no sign of peace there.

And now in this empty world there’s only you and me.
Oh, we are all the people left behind them when they died.
Just you and me alive;
not another souls remains here.

When history died it left behind today and tomorrow.
Oh, that was all the history left behind it when it died.
Oh, not another thing did it leave when it died.
Today, this shining day;
not another thing remains here.
