Observations 2

It's amusing how two different people can see the same thing in two different ways. Or perhaps to some of you this is a commonplace reality. Moreover, when the other person questions your morale and values for not seeing that same thing the way they do. What I am talking in this particular case is human connections and how they feed into life. Human connections long kept me at a workplace that from my viewpoint did not nurture them as much as it pretended to. Some people only spin talk on human connections and how they enrich human life while not doing much of practice in real life. To think of your workers as dispensable just so as to keeping your business running, what is more a business that is on its last legs, is irresponsibility. What is more irresponsible is withholding the truth about the reality of the situation from each new person that enters this vicious circle. Hypocrisy. I still have strong ties with my former colleagues and therefore hurt there being no change for better. And what's left of the ties with the top is only money talk. The questioning of values is reciprocal. 
