
Minimalist Japanese Nft

Minimalist Japanese Nft Universe White Paper

Abstract: The Minimalist Japanese Nft Universe endeavors to pioneer the fusion of minimalism and dynamic AI art within the NFT space. This white paper provides an extensive overview of the project, encompassing its genesis, tokenomics, minting process, community engagement, and future trajectory.


The Minimalist Japanese Nft Universe is an artistic venture aimed at redefining the NFT landscape. Fusing the elegance of minimalism with the boundless creativity of dynamic AI art, our project seeks to reintroduce intrinsic value and creativity into the NFT market.


Total Supply: 999 Blockchain: Polygon Mint Date: To Be Announced (TBA) OG (Original Graphic): 6 MATIC Whitelist (WL) Price: 8 MATIC Public Sale Price: 10 MATIC

3.Pre-Launch Strategy (Current - Feb 3, 2024):

Community Building: Actively engage and build anticipation on Discord and Twitter. Collaborations: Initiate collaborations for exclusive NFT distribution to OG members and whitelist participants.

4.Minting Day (Feb 3, 2024):

Open Minting: Launch minting on the Polygon blockchain, announcing across platforms. Early Minter Rewards: Reward early minters with exclusive perks for a dynamic launch experience.

5.Post-Minting (Feb 4, 2024 onwards):

Transition to OpenSea: Smooth transition to OpenSea for broader accessibility. Content Releases: Release additional AI-generated content to sustain community interest.

6.Ongoing Community Engagement:

Regular Updates: Provide regular project updates through Discord and Twitter. Feedback Gathering: Utilize community feedback for continuous improvement. Virtual Events: Host virtual events or AMAs for ongoing interaction.

7.Future Developments (Beyond Mint Date):

Collaborations: Explore collaborations for expanded creativity. Iterative Releases: Plan iterative NFT releases based on community feedback. Community Governance: Consider community governance for inclusive decision-making. Conclusion: The Minimalist Japanese NFT Universe endeavors to infuse NFTs with intrinsic value and creativity. By leveraging evolving AI art, our project aims to set a new standard in the NFT market, emphasizing substance over superficial attributes

About Minimalist Japanese NFT Universe

Welcome to the Minimalist Japanese NFT Universe, where innovation and creativity intertwine to redefine the essence of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Our project is a harmonious fusion of minimalism and dynamic AI art, bringing forth a collection of unique digital masterpieces that transcend traditional NFT offerings.

Project Highlights:

🌟 Artistic Fusion: Immerse yourself in a world where minimalism meets dynamic AI art, creating NFTs that stand out for their intrinsic value and artistic brilliance.

🎨 Limited Supply: Own a piece of exclusivity with only 999 NFTs available, each telling a unique story through the marriage of technology and artistry.

💡 Innovative Tokenomics: Our tokenomics, hosted on the Polygon blockchain, introduces a distinctive approach with early mint rewards, OG perks, and a carefully balanced pricing structure.

Pre-Launch Strategy:
Building anticipation and engaging our community on Discord and Twitter, we initiate collaborations to distribute exclusive NFTs to OG members and whitelist participants, laying the foundation for a vibrant and supportive community.

Minting Day (Feb 3, 2024):
As the minting day approaches, we open our doors for enthusiasts to secure their unique NFTs on the Polygon blockchain. Early minters will enjoy exclusive perks, contributing to an exciting and dynamic launch experience.

Post-Minting (Feb 4, 2024 onwards):
Following minting, we transition seamlessly to OpenSea, ensuring accessibility for all collectors. Additional AI-generated content releases will sustain community interest and showcase the evolving potential of our project.

Ongoing Community Engagement:
Regular updates, feedback collection, and virtual events will keep our community actively involved, fostering a sense of belonging and shared enthusiasm for the Minimalist Japanese NFT Universe.

Future Developments (Beyond Mint Date):
Our journey doesn't end with minting; we will explore collaborations, plan iterative releases based on community feedback, and consider community governance to ensure transparency and inclusivity in project decisions.

Join us on this transformative journey, where every NFT is a masterpiece, not just an accessory. Let's redefine the essence of NFTs together.

Road Map

Pre-Launch (Current - Feb 3, 2024):

Build community engagement on Discord and Twitter, generate anticipation with teaser campaigns for the AI-powered minimalist Japanese NFT collection.
Initiate collaborations for the distribution of exclusive NFTs to OG (Original Gangster) members and whitelist participants, enhancing community involvement and recognition.

Minting Day (Feb 3, 2024):

Open minting on the Polygon blockchain, announce across platforms, and reward early minters with exclusive perks, creating a dynamic launch experience.

Post-Minting (Feb 4, 2024 onwards):

Transition smoothly to OpenSea, encourage collectors to showcase NFTs, release additional AI-generated content for ongoing value, and sustain community interest.

Ongoing Community Engagement:

Provide regular updates, gather feedback through Discord and Twitter, and host virtual events or AMAs for continuous interaction and strengthening community bonds.

Future Developments (Beyond Mint Date):

Explore collaborations, plan iterative NFT releases based on feedback, and consider community governance to enhance transparency and inclusivity in project decisions


Shintaro Founder

Jay Hermes Adminstrator

KenzoD Community manager

Orth Moderator

Princess Bush Moderator





