



Although we’re not in Egypt,little Sphinx duck has finally met his father!?
This stone-made statue of Sphinx is situated in my neighborhood.

Curry and naan again. My friends and I had lunch together at an Indian restaurant. Very big, huh? Tasted really good. I’m into curry now❤️

I enjoyed “gyokuro”, superbly brewed Japanese tea. Surprisingly, it was rather sweet and had umami too. It tasted soooo good!!

Look at this huge strange-looking structure shaped by an actor,
Mr.Jin Katagiri‼️Can you believe this is made of styrofoam and paper clay?

A wedding ceremony only for my daughter and her husband was held in Hokkaido yesterday. May her new life be full of happiness and joy!

After visiting five Italian restaurants because of their fully occupied tables, we finally find an Indian restaurants! Reasonable and good!!

I had a wonderful time with one of my friends visiting The Haruki Murakami Library, which was newly built in the Waseda university.

I love Rod Stewart. I’ve been listening to his music for more than 40 years now. I like his husky voice and the way he sings. Sexy, huh?

QUEENの音楽を聴くと、心がざわざわする。We are the championsとかWe will rock youとかもうダメ。何でだ??あ、そっか。10年前に亡くなった妹も好きだったんだ…よく一緒に聴いてたなぁ。2人で英国ロックを聴いていた思い出のせいだね。また聴こう!
