

ポスト・レカネマブの戦いは白熱化してきた。中でも根本治療薬を目指すタウ阻害剤の開発の現状と展望を解析した。 https://miyata-bio.net/column/0000375/

    • Post lecanemab, Tau inhibitors

      The battle for post-Recanemab has heated up. Among other things, we analyze the current status and prospects for the development of tau inhibitors, which aim to become a fundamental therapeutic agent. https://miyata-bio.net/column/0000375/

      • Beyond レカネマブ

        早期アルツハイマー病の病状悪化を抑制する抗Aβ抗体2製品の商品化が見えてきた。しかし、これは第一次の技術突破に過ぎません。治療概念の変化と脳内への送達率の改善で第二の競争が始まっていました。 https://miyata-bio.net/column/0000374/

        • The second race for AD new drug

          The commercialization of two anti-Aβ antibody products that inhibit the deterioration of early-stage Alzheimer's disease is in sight. However, this is only the first technological breakthrough. A second race had begun with changes in therap



          新薬開発の主導権も、データ蓄積が握る時代の幕開けか?AI創薬に大型合併が始まった。 https://miyata-bio.net/column/0000373/


          AI drug discovery

          Is the dawn of an era in which data accumulation will also take the lead in new drug development? https://miyata-bio.net/column/0000373/

          AI drug discovery


          パテントクリフは本当に恐ろしい。米国市場で健闘していた世界最大のバイオ医薬、ヒュミラが、ついに市場陥落が決定的となりました。 https://miyata-bio.net/column/0000372/


          Humira has been falling down!

          The patent cliff is truly frightening. Humira, the world's largest biopharmaceutical, which had been doing well in the U.S. market, has finally fall off the market. https://miyata-bio.net/column/0000372/

          Humira has been falling down!




          Pathway drug discovery come true!

          Finally, commercialization of pathway drug discovery is underway. It is an era in which combination drugs can be rationally discovered according to disease pathways. https://miyata-bio.net/column/0000370/

          Pathway drug discovery come true!

          The second wave of commercialization for nucleic acid drugs

          The second wave of practical application of nucleic acid medicine has arrived. Ligand-binding nucleic acid drugs are its engine. We take an inside look at this innovation. https://miyata-bio.net/column/0000368/

          The second wave of commercialization for nucleic acid drugs


          核酸医薬の第二の実用化の波がやってきた。。リガンド結合核酸医薬がそのエンジンだ。このイノベーションを内幕に迫ります。 https://miyata-bio.net/column/0000368/



          完結編は、CFOが取った賢い上場戦略と上場後の株価形成戦略に焦点を当てました。参考になります。 東証グロース市場のバイオ・ベンチャー”100均”の都市伝説を葬ったChordia Therapeutic社の二度目の挑戦によるIPO成功の秘密を解き明かしました。 https://miyata-bio.net/column/0000369/


          The secrets of its successful IPO on its second attempt.

          The final part of the report focuses on the smart listing strategy taken by the CFO and the post-IPO stock price formation strategy. It is a good reference. Chordia Therapeutic, the company that buried the urban legend of the "100 Equivalen

          The secrets of its successful IPO on its second attempt.

          東証の都市伝説”IPO 100均"打破

          東証グロース市場のバイオ・ベンチャー”100均”の都市伝説を葬ったChordia Therapeutic社の二度目の挑戦によるIPO成功の秘密を解き明かしました。 https://miyata-bio.net/column/0000367/

          東証の都市伝説”IPO 100均"打破

          Inside of the Chordia's IPO on TSM

          Chordia Therapeutic, the company that buried the urban legend of the "CAP OF 10B yen at IPO" of biotech ventures on the TSE Growth Market, reveals the secrets of its successful IPO on its second try. https://miyata-bio.net/column/0000367/

          Inside of the Chordia's IPO on TSM