
picoCTF2019 write-upまとめ

記事掲載後、順次更新中(Last modified: 2020/04/04)

Points: 1

The Factory's Secret [General Skills]

Points: 50

2Warm [General Skills]
Glory of the Garden [Forensics]
Insp3ct0r [Web Exploitation]
Lets Warm Up [General Skills]
The Numbers [Cryptography]
Warmed Up [General Skills]
handy-shellcode [Binary Exploitation]
practice-run-1 [Binary Exploitation]
unzip [Forensics]
vault-door-training [Reverse Engineering]

Points: 100

13 [Cryptography]
Bases [General Skills]
Easy1 [Cryptography]
First Grep [General Skills]
OverFlow 0 [Binary Exploitation]
Resources [General Skills]
caesar [Cryptography]
dont-use-client-side [Web Exploitation]
logon [Web Exploitation]
strings it [General Skills]
vault-door-1 [Reverse Engineering]
what's a net cat? [General Skills]
where are the robots [Web Exploitation]

Points: 150

OverFlow 1 [Binary Exploitation]
So Meta [Forensics]
What Lies Within [Forensics]
extensions [Forensics]
shark on wire 1 [Forensics]

Points: 200

Based [General Skills]
Client-side-again [Web Exploitation]
First Grep: Part II [General Skills]
Flags [Cryptography]
Mr-Worldwide [Cryptography]
Open-to-admins [Web Exploitation]
Tapping [Cryptography]
asm1 [Reverse Engineering]
la cifra de [Cryptography]
picobrowser [Web Exploitation]
plumbing [General Skills]
rsa-pop-quiz [Cryptography]
slippery-shellcode [Binary Exploitation]
vault-door-3 [Reverse Engineering]
whats-the-difference [General Skills]
where-is-the-file [General Skills]

Points: 250

asm2 [Reverse Engineering]
c0rrupt [Forensics]
like1000 [Forensics]
vault-door-4 [Reverse Engineering]

Points: 300

reverse_cipher [Reverse Engineering]
shark on wire 2 [Forensics]
vault-door-5 [Reverse Engineering]

Points: 400

Java Script Kiddie [Web Exploitation]

Points: 500

Ghost_Diary [Binary Exploitation]
