
Kouya Hijiri:英訳「高野聖」

Translation of Izumi Kyoka's gothic tale "Kouya Hijiri." Kouya Hijiri or Priest of Mt. Ko…



以前、英訳した泉鏡花の「高野聖」をKindleで出版してみたい、と以前から思っていました。2005年頃に当事立ち上げていたHPの英語版で掲載していたものです。その後、HPのサーバーがダウンしてデータが飛んだまま放置していました。 英語版HPでは、ちょっとした怪談を載せていたのですが、それを見かけたアメリカのアマチュア怪談ライターがコンタクトを取ってきて、彼が英語で書いていた日本の怪談「耳なし芳一」へのアドバイスをしていたことがあります。 なんせ、深層の姫君の前で琵琶を演奏

Kouya Hijiri: CHAPTER 1

"… Then I pulled out the map again, from my bag". Said the monk, "The road I was on was so remote that I wanted to check it against a map. The burning sun was so strong I had to shade the map against the glare with my wooden hat, like this.

Kouya Hijiri: CHAPTER 2

As the train rumbled through Gifu carrying us along under blue skies, we passed through Maibara Nagahama, whose northern skies made famous by poets were now cloudy. When we reached Yanaganse it was raining. As night fell it began to snow. P

Kouya Hijiri: CHAPTER 13

There was a tall thin pine tree which I took hold of and looked up. The gibbous moon was overhead and stars were coming out. I had lost sight of her. I looked down and there she was at the foot of a small cliff looking up. “Be careful.” Sh

Kouya Hijiri: CHAPTER 14

‘We’re lucky the stream is full of water today, we can wash on this rock.” She stood on a high flat rock in the midst of the stream. Her bare feet under the ankle deep water were white as snow. There was a cliff on our side of the stream, a

Kouya Hijiri: CHAPTER 15

“Wow, something really happened to you.” She said. “When travelers talk about that place they say ‘In the Hida Mountains the leeches fall like rain.’ You didn’t know about the bypass and you walked right into the home of the leeches. You’re