

Will Elon Musk’s Infatuation With Trump Backfire? History Says Yes.

Time Magazine’s Henry Luce fell head over heels in political love with Dwight Eisenhower. It came at a cost.

Former White House aide Tevi Troy is a presidential historian and senior fellow at the Bipartisan Policy Center. He is the author of five books on the presidency, including the just released “The Power and the Money: The Epic Clashes Between Commanders in Chief and Titans of Industry.”
元ホワイトハウス補佐官のテヴィ・トロイ氏は大統領史研究家であり、超党派政策センターの上級研究員である。大統領職に関する著書を 5 冊執筆しており、最近出版された「権力と金銭: 最高司令官と産業界の巨人たちの壮大な衝突」もその 1 つである。

Elon Musk’s much-ballyhooed, glitch-riddled Monday interview with Donald Trump was just the latest episode in the tech mogul’s enduring crush on the former president. Musk, no stranger to controversy, has been unabashed in his backing of Trump in the 2024 presidential election — and he was instrumental in returning Trump to X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.

Every election cycle, celebrities try to put their thumb on the scale in favor of their candidate. And while a new study shows that celebrities like Megan Thee Stallion or Kid Rock can influence an election by drumming up voter enthusiasm, it is the extremely wealthy and powerful CEOs — like Musk — who can wield outsize power in political campaigns.

Like all American citizens, Musk and other CEOs have the right to get involved in American politics, from funding super PACs to working behind the scenes to drum up the vote to giving them an audience on their platforms. But that engagement can come at a cost.

History provides a note of caution: TIME founder Henry Luce fully invested himself in promoting the campaign of General Dwight Eisenhower. His full-throated support of Eisenhower, unusual for a media conglomerate, brought short-term benefits — giving him access to Eisenhower in the White House. But ultimately, his enthusiastic embrace of Eisenhower had a detrimental impact on his magazine’s journalistic reputation.

Luce created TIME in 1923 because he saw that America lacked a national news platform. As America’s first national newsmagazine, TIME was something entirely new in American journalism and it caught on, quickly gaining hundreds of thousands of subscribers on its way to eventually tens of millions. It also had a real interest in the presidency. TIME was groundbreaking in its reporting of the daily movements of the president, and even created a popular section called “The President’s Week.”
ルースは、アメリカには全国規模のニュース プラットフォームがないことに気づき、1923 年にタイム誌を創刊した。アメリカ初の全国ニュース雑誌として、タイム誌はアメリカのジャーナリズムではまったく新しい存在でしたが、すぐに人気を博し、数十万人の購読者を獲得し、最終的には数千万人に達した。また、タイム誌は大統領職にも大きな関心を寄せていた。タイム誌は大統領の日々の動きを報道する点で画期的であり、「大統領週間」という人気コーナーまで設けた。

Given his interest in the presidency, Luce wanted good relations with the president, something that eluded him throughout the administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He and Roosevelt disliked each other — intensely — and Luce worked repeatedly to defeat him, supporting unsuccessful candidates like Alf Landon against Roosevelt in 1936. He failed each time, but that just made him more committed. Even after Roosevelt died, Luce continued to nurse his grudge, declaring, “It is my duty to go on hating him.” The relationship with Roosevelt’s replacement Harry Truman was not much better.

In 1952, Luce saw an opportunity to end 20 years of Democratic dominance of the White House. Luce believed one-party supremacy was not only bad for himself personally (because Roosevelt was his enemy), but for the country as well. So in 1952, Luce went all in for Eisenhower, using his position as media magnate to support Ike in a variety of ways.
1952 年、ルースは 20 年続いた民主党によるホワイト ハウスの支配を終わらせるチャンスを見出しました。ルースは、一党優位は彼個人にとってだけでなく (ルーズベルトは彼の敵だったため)、国にとっても悪いと信じていた。そこで 1952 年、ルースはメディア王としての立場を利用してアイゼンハワーをさまざまな方法で支援し、全面的にアイゼンハワーを支持した。

Even before Eisenhower was an official candidate, Luce met with him in Paris — and fell in immediate, political love. Luce reported how impressed he was with Ike, including his personal appreciation for the “sound of the man’s voice” and the “the twinkle” in his “brightest blue eyes.”

Today, there’s an expectation, not always met, that journalists be nonpartisan in their coverage. Things were similar in 1952, but even though his publications were ostensibly nonpartisan, Luce directed his magazines TIME and Life to write favorably about the five-star general, including a Life editorial entitled “The Case for Ike.”
今日、ジャーナリストは報道において中立的であるべきだという期待があるが、必ずしも満たされているわけではない。1952 年も同様だったが、ルースは出版物が表面上は中立的であったにもかかわらず、雑誌「タイム」と「ライフ」に、五つ星将軍について好意的に書くよう指示し、その中には「ライフ」誌の「アイク支持論説」も含まれていた。

Later, Eisenhower said Life’s editorial helped encourage him to enter the race. Once Ike was in, TIME was so favorable to Eisenhower that his campaign manager, Henry Cabot Lodge, would hand out copies of its issues to many of the people he met with.

In another unusual move, Luce provided campaign staff for Ike from his own team, including speechwriters Emmet Hughes and C.D. Jackson, and campaign adviser John Knox Jessup. Hughes wrote the most famous line of the Eisenhower campaign, “If elected, I shall go to Korea.” This line was intended to demonstrate that Ike would focus on ending the conflict in Korea — and it worked, helping propel him to victory against Democrat Adlai Stevenson, garnering 55 percent of the popular vote and sweeping the Electoral College.

Luce also helped create the vision for the campaign. He invited John Foster Dulles to describe a Republican foreign policy vision in a Life article. This article, “A Policy of Boldness,” became the basis for Eisenhower’s foreign policy plank in the Republican platform, and Dulles became Eisenhower’s secretary of State.

When Ike defeated Stevenson, Luce wired to friends: “Victory, it’s wonderful.” And he was soon to enjoy the fruits of his labor. Luce’s wife, Claire Boothe Luce, joined the administration as ambassador to Italy. Luce got to see his vision implemented on the foreign policy front, and he was able to pass on his policy advice to administration officials like Dulles, Hughes, Jackson and his wife (Jessup chose not to join the administration). Luce was also pleased that Ike proved to be a good president, presiding over a period of peace and prosperity. Accordingly, Luce made sure to tout Eisenhower’s accomplishments to his magazines’ 30 million readers.

Luce benefited from having Eisenhower in the White House, but he also incurred costs. TIME staffers grumbled about working for “Eisenhower’s mouthpiece.” He responded to internal criticism by telling staffers, “I am your boss. I guess that means I can fire any of you,” which did not endear him to the team.

Meanwhile, TIME took a reputational hit in the Eisenhower years for being too pro-Ike. A joke went around that “Time was even-handed during election years: Half the time it praised the Republicans, and half the time it damned the Democrats.” Intellectuals turned on TIME, and the publication came to be viewed, dismissively, as a middle-brow publication. Luce retired in 1964 and died just three years later at 68. Time became more liberal under his successors than under Luce and is now a shadow of what it once was, but that’s due more to the internet than anything Luce-related.

As for Musk, he clearly likes doing things differently, something he noted in a 2021 Saturday Night Live appearance: “To anyone I’ve offended, I just want to say: I reinvented electric cars and I’m sending people to Mars in a rocket ship. Did you think I was also going to be a chill, normal dude?” One could argue that approach has worked for him this far, making him one of the richest people in human history. Still, Musk should take heed: Luce and his empire suffered real consequences from his political involvement, and blowback today could be even greater. Twitter/X took a hit when Musk bought it in 2022; both advertising and engagement are down significantly since he took the reins. Still, X has 50 million U.S. users (and 300 million worldwide); his endorsement of Trump could drive away unhappy users. Musk clearly wants to expand X’s reach, and being persona non grata to large swaths of the country could make that mission that much harder.
マスク氏は明らかに人と違うことをするのが好きで、2021年のサタデー・ナイト・ライブ出演時にそのことを述べている。「私が不快な思いをさせた人には、こう言いたい。私は電気自動車を再発明し、ロケットで人々を火星に送る。私も落ち着いた普通の男になると思っていたのか?」このアプローチがこれまでのところ彼にとってうまくいき、人類史上最も裕福な人物の一人になったと主張する人もいるだろう。それでも、マスク氏は注意する必要がある。ルース氏と彼の帝国は彼の政治関与によって実際に被害を受けており、今日の反動はさらに大きくなる可能性がある。Twitter/Xは2022年にマスク氏が買収したときに打撃を受けた。彼が経営を引き継いで以来、広告とエンゲージメントの両方が大幅に減少している。それでも、Xには米国で5千万人のユーザー(全世界で3億人)がおり、トランプ氏を支持することで不満を持つユーザーを追い払う可能性がある。 マスク氏は明らかにXの影響力を拡大したいと考えているが、国の大部分の地域で歓迎されない人物になることで、そのミッションはさらに困難になる可能性がある。

Other Musk products, including Tesla or Space X, could potentially suffer as well. Tesla needs individual consumers. But he also needs government contracts, which could be harder to come by if purchasers dislike his politics. Michael Jordan put it well: “Republicans buy sneakers, too.” Well, Democrats buy cars, too. And on the government procurement side, both Tesla and Space X could potentially see fewer contracts from a vengeful Kamala Harris administration.

A third issue is the problem of selective enforcement. There are so many regulations on the books that not every company gets hit for every violation, but companies under additional scrutiny could be. Since President Joe Biden has come to office, Musk businesses have been subject to probes from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the Justice Department, the National Labor Relations Board, the Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Federal Trade Commission, just to name a few. This does not mean that Biden personally ordered these probes, but as The Wall Street Journal editorial board observed, “We doubt any order from on high has been sent, but it doesn’t need to be when a figure becomes Progressive Enemy No. 1.” Add to this the costs on the international front, as European regulators are also probing Musk’s use of X to promote Trump.
3 つ目の問題は、選択的執行の問題である。法律で定められている規制は非常に多いため、すべての企業がすべての違反で罰せられるわけではないが、追加の監視の対象となる企業はそうなる可能性がある。ジョー・バイデン大統領が就任して以来、マスク氏の企業は、国家道路交通安全局、司法省、国家労働関係委員会、魚類野生生物局、連邦取引委員会などから調査を受けている。これは、バイデン氏が個人的にこれらの調査を命じたという意味ではないが、ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナルの編集委員会が指摘したように、「上からの命令が下されたとは思えないが、ある人物が進歩主義の敵 No.1 になった場合、命令は必要ない」。これに加えて、ヨーロッパの規制当局も、マスク氏がトランプ氏の宣伝に X を使用したことを調査し始めており、国際的なコストも加わる。

Musk is surely aware of these challenges, but this history provides additional context. As Henry Luce learned, too strong a bet on politics can be harmful — even if you end up winning your bet.


