
ルイジアナ州、金と銀を法定通貨として再確認/Money Metalsを読む

Louisiana Reaffirms Gold and Silver As Legal Tender

Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry has signed a new law reaffirming gold and silver as legal tender, making a symbolic statement in favor of sound money principles.

Senate Bill 232, sponsored by Sen. Mark Abraham, marks the sixth pro-sound money bill passed by a state this year, underscoring a growing national trend.

Louisiana’s sound money bill simply affirms that “any gold or silver coin, specie, or bullion” issued by the United States government is considered legal tender whenever voluntarily agreed upon by both parties to a contract. The measure enjoyed popular support, receiving only one “no” vote on the floor throughout the Louisiana House and Senate.
ルイジアナ州の健全な通貨法案は、米国政府が発行する「あらゆる金貨、銀貨、正金、地金」は、契約当事者双方が自発的に合意した場合には法定通貨とみなされる、と単純に主張するものである。この法案は一般の支持を得て、ルイジアナ州議会下院と上院の議場では「反対」票は 1 票のみであった。

This concept is consistent with the U.S. Constitution. In fact, Article 1 Section 10 reads: “No state shall…coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; [or] make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts…”
この概念は米国憲法と一致しています。実際、第 1 条第 10 項には、「州は…貨幣を鋳造し、信用状を発行し、金貨および銀貨以外のものを債務の支払いの通貨として発行してはならない…」と記載されています。

America’s 53-year experiment in a purely fiat currency system has gone poorly. Without backing of gold or silver, the Federal Reserve note “dollar” has continuously declined in purchasing power. The nation has faced a series of Fed-created booms caused by interest rate manipulation, followed by busts and explosive growth in government spending.
アメリカの 53 年間にわたる純粋な不換紙幣制度の実験はうまくいかなかった。金や銀の裏付けがない連邦準備銀行の紙幣「ドル」の購買力は継続的に低下している。国は、金利操作によって引き起こされた連邦準備銀行による一連の好景気と、それに続く不況、そして政府支出の爆発的な増加に直面してきた。

When savers, wage earners, and investors seek ways to protect their savings from the ravages of inflation, they often choose precious metals over fiat currency because precious metals have preserved purchasing power over time.

This bill provides symbolic support to Louisiana citizens making this choice, and it is a modest step toward establishing sound money policies in the state.

Alabama, Utah, Wisconsin, Nebraska, and Kentucky passed legislation in 2024 ending sales and capital gains taxes on precious metals, declaring that Central Bank Digital Currencies are not valid money in their state, or empowering state treasurers to invest state funds in gold and silver.

Louisiana is the sixth state to enact sound money laws this year, while five other states did so in 2023.

