
1987 年の再来か?市場の崩壊の原因は何か/WSJを読む

Is This 1987 All Over Again? What’s Driving the Market Meltdown?
1987 年の再来か?市場の崩壊の原因は何か

Just as with ‘Black Monday,’ investors heading into today were on edge and ready to sell to lock in big profits

Financial markets are supposed to capture the wisdom of the crowd, but on Monday the crowd ran in all directions waving its hands in the air screaming. Japan’s stock market fell the most in 37 years and the VIX index of implied U.S. stock volatility had the second-biggest rise in data back to 1990. Panic hit.

The selloff was triggered by Friday’s jobs data prompting a sudden switch in the economic narrative from soft landing to hard landing. Add to the mix a period of deflating hype about artificial intelligence and a Bank of Japan rate rise designed to strengthen the yen. News that Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway had sold half its Apple shares and boosted its cash pile added to the pain.

But the triggers can’t possibly justify the scale of the moves. The selloff—which at one point had chip maker Nvidia down 15%—was big because investors had been all-in betting that things would work out well. The question is how far the unwind of these bets—and the leverage behind them—will go. If it continues, will the selloff feed back into higher savings and a weaker economy or, worse, hit the financial system?

The extreme examples of past effects from big market falls are 1987’s crash, 1998’s Long-Term Capital Management blowup and 2008’s global financial crisis. History is never perfect, but so far this looks more like a (milder) version of 1987 than it does the other two.

In 1987, the stock market had its biggest one-day fall ever, with the S&P 500 down more than 20% on Black Monday in October. Investors had built up excessive leverage after a stunning 39% gain in the year to August’s high, and the crash led both to big margin calls and to badly designed automated trading that exacerbated the selling. But the Federal Reserve poured liquidity into the banks, brokers didn’t default and the market made back all its losses within two years. The economy was fine.
1987 年、株式市場は史上最大の 1 日の下落を記録し、10 月のブラック マンデーには S&P 500 が 20% 以上下落した。投資家は、8 月の高値までの 1 年間で驚異的な 39% の上昇の後、過剰なレバレッジを積み上げており、この暴落により、多額のマージン コールと、売りを悪化させる設計不良の自動取引の両方が発生した。しかし、連邦準備制度理事会は銀行に流動性を注ぎ込み、ブローカーは債務不履行に陥らず、市場は 2 年以内に損失をすべて取り戻した。経済は順調だった。

The good news was that 1987 was all about markets: They went up, they went back down, no one else was hurt. The S&P made 36% in the eight months to its August 1987 peak, similar to the 33% it rose in the eight months to this year’s high. As in 1987, this year’s gains came despite tight monetary policy and higher bond yields. Just as today, in 1987 investors were on edge and ready to sell to lock in the unexpected profit. The losses are smaller so far, but lucrative trades have reversed, just as they did for the market as a whole in 1987.
1987 年は市場が中心だったことは良いニュースだった。市場は上昇し、再び下落したが、他に被害はなかった。S&P は 1987 年 8 月のピークまでの 8 か月間で 36% 上昇した。これは、今年の高値までの 8 か月間で 33% 上昇したのとほぼ同じである。1987 年と同様に、今年の上昇は金融引き締め政策と債券利回りの上昇にもかかわらず達成された。今日と同じように、1987 年の投資家は神経質になり、予想外の利益を確保するために売りに出る準備ができていた。これまでのところ損失は小さくなっているが、1987 年の市場全体で起こったように、利益の出る取引は反転している。

In 1998, the situation was much worse, although stocks recovered more quickly. Highly levered hedge fund LTCM was crushed when Russia’s domestic debt default created a flight to safety. LTCM was big enough that it threatened to bring down Wall Street institutions. The Fed cut rates three times and pulled together a group of banks to rescue the firm and wind down its trades slowly. Stocks took just four months to recover, but the easy money helped stoke the dot-com bubble, which popped two years later and led to a mild recession—and gigantic losses for investors in tech stocks.

We don’t know yet if any hedge funds have been taken out by the big moves in markets, which have brought heavy losses for those engaged in the “carry trade” of borrowing cheaply in yen and buying higher-yielding currencies such as the Mexican peso or dollar. But already traders are betting that the Fed will slash rates, with a supersize cut of 0.5 percentage point priced into futures for the September meeting.

The really bad outcome would be a repeat of 2008, but it seems unlikely. True, some large U.S. banks failed last year, due to bad bets on government bonds. But banks are much less leveraged than they were, and the system is less exposed to a liquidity crisis, as private lenders have taken on much of the risk that used to sit in banks. Big losses are entirely possible, and private funds could hit trouble, but that would take time and wouldn’t create the same systemwide crisis.

The ideal would be that excess in the stock market unwinds as in 1987 without creating wider trouble, hopefully more gradually than in 1987. AI enthusiasm could deflate stock prices much more—even after falling 30% from its June high, Nvidia has still doubled in price this year. But the market is already much closer to normal, with the Nasdaq 100 index up only 6% so far this year, and the S&P less than 9%.
理想は、1987 年のように株式市場の過剰が解消され、より広範な問題を引き起こすことなく、できれば 1987 年よりも緩やかに解消されることだろう。AI 熱狂は株価をさらに下落させる可能性がある。6 月の高値から 30% 下落した後でも、Nvidia の株価は今年 2 倍になっている。しかし、市場はすでに正常状態にかなり近づいており、ナスダック 100 指数は今年これまでのところ 6% しか上昇しておらず、S&P は 9% 未満である。

If panic abates, the Fed cuts and nothing breaks in the financial system, we should count ourselves lucky. But it would be good if investors could remember the sinking feeling they had this morning, and try to be a bit wiser and less speculative.

Traders on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange on Oct. 19, 1987.
1987 年 10 月 19 日、ニューヨーク証券取引所のフロアにいるトレーダーたち。


