

A Quarter-Billion Dollars for the Walker-Warnock Georgia Senate Race Buys Tossup

To win a single Senate seat, Republicans and Democrats have spent the equivalent of $30.83 on every one of the 7.8 million eligible voters in Georgia. That comes to somewhere north of $241 million and counting.

For all the money spent, Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock and his Republican opponent, Herschel Walker, a former All-Pro running back for the Dallas Cowboys, remain virtually deadlocked, many polls show. A few have shown Mr. Warnock gaining momentum in recent days.

The Peach State is on the front lines of the nation’s midterm elections Tuesday that will determine the majority in the Senate, now split 50-50. Both parties are betting the path to victory runs through Georgia, making it home to one of the most expensive Senate races of all time.

As candidates have done in other tight races, Mr. Walker has ridden inflation worries while Mr. Warnock got a temporary bump from the Supreme Court’s rejection of the constitutional right to abortion.

Mr. Warnock, an Atlanta pastor, has in the 2022 election cycle spent more on advertising—about $72 million—than any other candidate running for office this year, according to data from AdImpact, an advertising tracker.

The Senate Leadership Fund, a GOP super political-action committee run by allies of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R. Ky.), has responded with about $40 million for ads this year supporting Mr. Walker.

Yet rather than winning over voters, the advertising bacchanalia has largely generated fatigue and annoyance, according to voters interviewed around the state. Ads for one side or the other parade through TV programs and streaming channels. Radio stations blare endless vote-for-me appeals. Text messages and emails flood phones. Mailboxes are stuffed with fliers.

“We’re all about ready to pull our hair out,” said Jennifer Stephens, 28 years old, of Madison, Ga.

As of Saturday, poll aggregator FiveThirtyEight had each candidate with 46% support. If neither man tops 50% on Tuesday—there is a Libertarian Party candidate in the race—there will be a runoff election next month. If so, Mr. Warnock’s political ad spending could end up the highest for any nonpresidential race in U.S. history.

Ad spending on all political races in Georgia since the start of 2019 totals more than $1.28 billion, accounting for almost 8% of the U.S. total over that time, an analysis by The Wall Street Journal found. Georgia’s ad spending in that period is second only to California, which has nearly four times the population.

Political strategists said many voters have tuned out the advertising and are keeping to their party camps.

“To be perfectly honest, I don’t pay attention to it,” said Lisa Minor, a teacher and a Democrat from Decatur, Ga.

Tim Phillips, a Republican consultant advising super PACs in the Senate race, said voters have less trust in political parties and news media, reducing their susceptibility to persuasion. “The saturation point has been reached,” he said. “The money doesn’t matter as much.”

Old-fashioned door-knocking might be the best of the last resorts.

“There’s a lot of mailers and digital and TV, and they have less and less impact on what people do, but face-to-face conversation still has a solid impact,” said Friday Guilbert, data director at New Georgia Project Action Fund, a political group affiliated with the left. “That sticks with a voter more than one of the five million ads they’ve seen this week.”

Yet strategists in both parties contend that it makes no sense to abandon attack ads if their rivals continue the heavy spending.

“It’s like unilateral disarmament. You can’t do that,” said Joe Trippi, a longtime Democratic Party consultant.

Both parties say victory will likely come down to who can turn out the biggest numbers of loyal supporters, which often turns on traditional outreach such as front-porch appeals and making sure voters have rides to polling places.

Enthusiasm among GOP voters give Republicans an edge in turnout, according to organizers and strategists in both parties.

More than 2.5 million Georgians have cast ballots via early voting, according to the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office, surpassing the previous record for midterm early voting set in 2018. That tally included in-person early voting, which ended Friday, and counted absentee ballots.

Accusations fly

During the campaign, Mr. Walker has been hit by allegations of domestic abuse, including that he threatened to kill his ex-wife, as well as allegations by two women that he paid for abortions. He has said he opposed abortion, even in cases of rape, incest or danger to a mother’s life.

Regarding the claims by his ex-wife, Mr. Walker has said he was suffering from mental illness at the time and had no memory of events she alleged. He has said the abortion allegations weren’t true. Mr. Walker was endorsed by former President Donald Trump, who remains popular in rural areas.

On the campaign trail and in ads, Mr. Warnock has portrayed himself as a reliable Senate vote for such Biden administration priorities as the bipartisan infrastructure law and Covid-19 stimulus bills.

In the final weeks of the campaign, ads from both campaigns have taken a sharper, more negative tone. Pro-Walker ads have criticized Mr. Warnock over his ex-wife’s charges that he attacked her, which Mr. Warnock denies.

Mr. Warnock for a while largely avoided Mr. Walker’s controversies. In one ad this fall, he showcased a bill related to peanut farmers, a significant industry in Georgia, which showed him getting showered by thousands of peanuts.

A more recent ad from the Warnock campaign was titled “Hypocrite.” In it, a narrator says: “For you, Herschel Walker wants to ban abortion…But for himself, Herschel Walker paid for an abortion for his then-girlfriend.”

Mr. Walker appears to have withstood the stream of negative publicity. And political advertising, either for or against him, isn’t likely to move the needle, said Mr. Trippi, the Democratic consultant.

“The Herschel Walker folks are not going to move,” he said.
「ハーシェル・ウォーカーの連中は動かない 」と。

The Georgia governor’s race is boosting the state’s ad mania by millions more. GOP Gov. Brian Kemp narrowly defeated Democrat Stacey Abrams in 2018, and they are competing in a rematch. Mr. Kemp holds a solid average lead of roughly 8 percentage points, according to FiveThirtyEight.

The 2018 gubernatorial race between Mr. Kemp, then the secretary of state, and Ms. Abrams, a former minority leader in the state House, marked the start of Georgia’s campaign-spending spree. Republicans spent about $30 million and Democrats another $19 million in that race.

In the Kemp-Abrams rematch, Democrats have outspent Republicans by about $60 million to $45 million, the Journal analysis found.

Mr. Kemp won in 2018 by about 55,000 votes out of about 3.9 million cast. Ms. Abrams, who never conceded, came as close as any Democratic candidate in years to winning the seat and showed the new electoral power of voters in the Atlanta metropolitan area.

Mr. Biden became the first Democratic presidential candidate to win the state since 1992, beating Mr. Trump by about 12,000 votes out of five million cast. Mr. Trump and his supporters tried unsuccessfully to persuade Mr. Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to overturn the result.

Democrats in the current campaign season have struggled to find a message to spark that same level of voter excitement, party strategists said. “We’ve definitely seen less urgency, undoubtedly because in 2020 we were faced with another four years of Trump,” said Ranada Robinson, research director for New Georgia Project.

Americans for Prosperity Action, a group on the right that does similar work as New Georgia Project, is going door-to-door with the same message that Republicans have used in political ads races nationwide—that Mr. Biden’s spending in Washington is leading to higher prices in local communities.
New Georgia Project と同様の活動を行う右派のグループ Americans for Prosperity Action は、共和党が全米の政治広告レースで使用したのと同じメッセージ、つまりバイデン氏のワシントンでの支出が地元コミュニティの物価上昇につながっているというメッセージを戸別に伝えて回っているのです。

Ryan Mahoney, a Georgia Republican strategist, said he expected his party to do well this year, but the eye-popping ad spending isn’t likely to end soon: Shifting demographics have made the Democratic Party too powerful an opponent.

“Georgia for the foreseeable future is a battleground state,” he said.

At an early-voting station in Rome, Ga., northwest of Atlanta, John White and his wife, both Republicans, said they were sick of all the campaigning and voted early in part because they had long made up their minds. Mr. White said he had received a text message at midnight recently, urging him to vote for Mr. Warnock. The 78-year-old said he has voted Republican for years.

He voted against Messrs. Kemp and Raffensperger in the GOP primaries, he said, because he believed they didn’t do enough to try to reverse the 2020 presidential election results.

But Mr. White has stuck with them in the midterms.

“I had no choice,” he said. “They’re Republicans.”
"選択肢がなかった "と彼は言った。"彼らは共和党員だ"
