
マージョリー・テイラー・グリーン、1月6日の容疑者の追跡についてDC検察官と対峙/Forbes Breaking Newsより

Marjorie Taylor Green Confronts DC Prosecutor About Pursuit Of January 6th Suspects

That's Ms.Greene from Georgia for five minutes.

(Marjorie Taylor Green)
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I think we should all refresh our memories today and remember history and who has caused the political violence here in Washington DC by remembering how many times DC Metro Police were deployed for dangerous riots in 2020, where Antifa and BLM rioters violently raged continuously, even nearly burning down the city.
ありがとうございます、議長。私たちは今日、記憶をリフレッシュし、2020年にアンティファや BLM の暴徒が激しく暴れ続け、街を焼き尽くしそうにまでなった危険な暴動に対して何度も DC 地下鉄警察が出動したことを思い出し、ここワシントン DC で誰が政治的暴力を引き起こしたのか、歴史を思い出すべきだと思います。

Hundreds of police officers were injured and rioters destroyed millions of dollars in property. Riots went to such extreme levels in Lafayette Park, that secret service forced President Trump into the White House bunker. But all of the extreme left-wing violence didn't just start in 2020 No, it started in 2017 on President Trump's inauguration day, but all you hear about is a three-hour riot on one single day, January 6, 2021. So let's talk about violent criminals and justice.

Chief Conti, you've said what we've got to do if we really want to see homicides go down is keep bad guys with guns in jail. When they are in jail. They can't be in the community shooting people keep violent people in jail. Is that right? Yes or no?

(Chief Conti)

(Marjorie Taylor Green)
Thank you. Mayor Bowser. Do you agree with Chief Conti? Yes or no?

(Mayor Bowser)
Yes. until people serve their sentence.

(Marjorie Taylor Green)
Yes. You agree they should stay in jail. Thank you very much, Mayor.

Mr. Graves, You are the US Attorney for the District of Columbia.

You have the unique ability to prosecute both local and federal cases.

However, Mr. Graves, your office has declined to prosecute 67% of those arrested in 2022 which means they can't stay in jail like Chief Conti is demanding after his police officers do the hard work of arresting these criminals.

Instead, you are solely focused on prosecuting January 6 cases from one single day in our history.

Meanwhile, DC crime is up, total crime is up 27% from last year, carjacking is up 114%, murders are up 11%, sexual abuse is up 45%, property crime is 30%, and just yesterday morning, a little innocent 12-year-old girl was shot while sleeping in her own bed by another rampant violent criminal who has probably been previously arrested and not prosecuted.

What do you think a resident in Anacostia is more afraid of their child catching a stray bullet on Monday or a grandma walking through the Capitol? More than two years or less two years ago?

Mr. Graves your decision to not prosecute 67% of the crimes in DC is absolutely criminal itself.

People who were charged with murder had been arrested on average 11 times before because you refuse to keep them in jail like Chief Conti is demanding.

You have already abused your position by maliciously prosecuting at least 1000 people from January 6 But you recently announced that you're going to arrest the least 1000 more.
あなたは、1月6日から少なくとも1000人を悪意を持って起訴し、すでにその地位を濫用しています。 しかし、あなたは最近、少なくとも1000人をさらに逮捕することを発表しました。

Let me remind everyone of the manner in which you go about your January 6 prosecutions. A man named Matthew Pirna, who had no criminal record peacefully entered the Capitol through an open door on January 6.

He stayed inside for roughly 20 minutes. He didn't assault anyone, not a police officer anyone he didn't damage any property.

He fully cooperated with the FBI and eventually pled guilty to all charges. But right before his sentencing, you Mr. Graves asked the judge for more time to object to the pre-sentence report.

By the way, while you weren't prosecuting many of the crimes in DC this was so that you could ask for at least a few more years in prison for the guy that walked around in the capitol for 20 minutes not assaulting anyone.

And this is what you've done repeatedly over and over for those who have pled or have been convicted on January 6. Well, two weeks later, Matthew Pirna hung himself in his garage, Mr. Graves. He was 37 years old on March ninth, 2022, you dropped the case against Matthew Burnett because he was dead.
そしてこれは、1月6日に誓約した者、あるいは有罪判決を受けた者に対して、何度も何度も繰り返し行ってきたことです。さて、その2週間後、マシュー・ピルナは自宅のガレージで首を吊りました、グレイブスさん。3月9日、37歳でした。2022年、あなたはマシュー・バーネットの 訴訟を取り下げました。彼は死んだからです。

The time for weaponizing the Department of Justice needs to come to an end. And because you refuse to prosecute real criminals that are violating all the crimes here in Washington DC and you want to talk about DC residents, they are victims of your abuse of power and because of that, I am introducing Articles of Impeachment on you, Mr. Graves, and I yield back the remainder of my time.

