
⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward⚜️ -Stock prices will crash, all the central banks controlled by Rothschild will collapse-

⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward⚜️

Since 1 June, the QFS team has been load testing the Quantum Banking System and on Monday 6 June began loading token (digital currency) on the QFS in 209 countries around the world.

・Each of its tokens is linked to gold.

・One token is worth one gram of gold.

In 209 countries, one token is equal to one of the country's currency.

For example, in the USA, one token = $1.

They are currently giving instructions to each country and leaving it to them to work out how to make all the tokens in all the countries have the same value.

So, in the end, the value will be the same, e.g. 1 US token = 1 Japanese token.

Each country has a gold quota in the 【gold bullion exchange bank】 to back their tokens with gold.

All allocations are expected to be completed within five to ten years.

※Gold bullion exchange banks : banks that take the place of central banks around the world.

All Rothschild-controlled central banks will collapse, but in a way that will not cause panic around the world.

However, we don't know when we will see tokens from countries all over the world on Forex.

But the day is near when this will be announced and people all over the world will know about it, but we don't know the date.

As I talked about before, these two 【The Events】 have to happen before that announcement.

1)Fake Biden is dismissed.

2)The announcement of the death of Queen Elizabeth.

There will most likely be a stock market crash around the end of this week.

※This is to bankrupt all the hedge fund companies of Cabal.

The stock price crash will be followed by the dismissal of Biden and the announcement of the death of Queen Elizabeth.

If there is a crash, the money lost by the public will be paid back later.

This is because the QFS knows all the balances before the crash, so they will get back what they lost.

People who don't know this info will panic for a week or so, but will be happy when the money they lost comes back into their accounts a week later.

Such a process is something you have to go through.

Because once you don't feel the pain, you don't really know what was going to happen.

At the moment, Vietnamese dong, Iraqi dinar and Zimbabwe's bonds are in the process of being revalued.

I am supposed to get the money before the people who do humanitarian projects, so once the funds are liquidated and I get a Qphone,

I will present this information to our members in a special video.

For example, I will tell them what the Q account looks like and how it can be used.

You can follow him because MarkZ gets the right information and is very trustworthy.

※Mark Z is one of the QFS Intel information sources I always write about in my note (here).

The Alliance is currently finishing distributing real Medbeds controlled by the Alliance to countries around the world, and you can use them whenever you get【Go-ahead】.

The first people who will use the Medbeds are waiting.

※Finally, he slipped up and said that all the tokens in the world were now loaded.

⚜️From MarkZ, recommended by Dr. Charlie Ward⚜️

Banking, Bond and Church groups promised funds released over the weekend with spendable liquid cash. Shabbi said the Dinar could go between $14 to $17.

The Banking side was leaning hard on everyone to shut up on the timing and on who was coming, going and when.

Bank tellers were being trained in how to validate Vietnamese Dong and Iraqi Dinar.

Bond Holders expected liquidity within the next couple of days, while Iraq believed their new Dinar Rate would be public within the next eight days.

This week Redemption Center folk have had a lot of conference calls in preparation for exchanges.

I believe that the QFS is steadily progressing underwater, and we are waiting for the Qphone, which is an essential a part of the QFS.😊


いつも、読んでいただき、ありがとうござます🙏🥰 一緒に、素晴らしい日本、素晴らしい世界、【愛と光溢れる地球✨✨🌎💖】にしましょう ♪ いただいたチップは、ライトワークの活動費等に使わせていただきます🙏💕