
From Dr. Charlie Ward ーThe first steps of the GCR have begun! ✨✨💖🤩ー

The QFS has begun on Friday, May 13, and funds were activated during a 72-hour period.

Tokens (digital coin currency) were put into the new banking system.

From now on, the world's currency will run on the digital coin system.

We were told that the coin would be active within 72 hours.

On Wednesday, May 18, the tokens were actually activated in the new QFS.

The first activation was to pay the master account and VIP's.

I was one of them (VIP's).

On Friday, May 20, Tier 1 people were paid in full.

This is the first step of the GCR.

As for the remaining Tier 2, 3, and 4, the funds will be released and paid in the first and second weeks of June.

As for this group, they will be paid to church groups, people who have purchased special bonds as a group in the past, people who do humanitarian projects, and people who have purchased Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong, or Indonesian Rial currency.

There are other people and groups who have waited almost 30 years for their funds to be disbursed.

Now that the payments have started, we will be attacked by Cabal.

The day is coming soon when the Fiat currency used by Cabal will no longer be available.

It has been announced that many countries are going to change their currency (TOKEN) which is linked to gold one after another.

This token will be called differently in different countries.

Also, each country will be responsible for revaluation.

Currently, Cabal is saying that the currency that the central banks are starting is connected to gold, but that is a lie.

Their digital currency is not linked to gold.

Many things are going to be connected nicely and wonderfully in the future.

The QFS team is finally feeling a sense of relief.

I won't mention names, but there is someone who will be using a medbed in the near future.

I was also asked not to say anything, but I can't not talk about such important information.

It is an important time right now, so everyone else is keeping quiet.

The production of the Q phone is almost finished.

I will let you know when they reach the stage where they are shipped.

May and June are very important months for the earth's transition to the new world.


いつも、読んでいただき、ありがとうござます🙏🥰 一緒に、素晴らしい日本、素晴らしい世界、【愛と光溢れる地球✨✨🌎💖】にしましょう ♪ いただいたチップは、ライトワークの活動費等に使わせていただきます🙏💕