⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward⚜️ -We are currently under military rule in every country in the world-🤩
⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward⚜️
We are currently in a very, very good place and everything we are experiencing is 100% pantomime.
We are now clearly seeing the exposure of what happened two years ago.
Currently, Cabal has become so desperate that they have exposed themselves for what they are doing, doing things that are illegal.
White hats is making sure that every single thing is done 100% within the law.
For example, Cabal, FBI illegally did raid in Mar-a-Lago, but White Hat is not currently going to make these evidences public.
This is because the WH is currently building and building up tons of illegal evidence against DS.
The original starting of the file would probably go back to Hillary Clinton.
She tried to delete it, and when she tried to delete, they've got everything. They've got all the correspondence.
As for Hunter Biden's laptop, they have taken a number of copies of everything on there and they are secure in a secure place.
So if anybody did try to tackle with it, or steal them or destroy them like they have tried, they've got no chance.
Absolutely no chance at all, and they're now getting so desperate.
Those of you who have been following me for a long time know that I released Biden's inaugural speech 8 hours before it was to happen.
I shared that video with many people.
Cabal has already fallen because this is phantom one.
It's already happened.
This is why Donald Trump can comfortably say 【Nothing can stop what's coming.】.
Donald Trump is still legally the President of the United States and indeed the Commander in Chief.
I've said that to you over a year ago, the (US) corporation of the United States was bankrupted in 2018 closed down in 2021 to three years to close the books on...but it's gone.
I can now contact General Flynn directly and can confirm.
We are currently under military rule in every country in the world, including the United Kingdom, the US, including every country in the world is currently under military rule, so all the fassade is being propagated by the media, it's not true.
There is no truth. We don't watch the media, then you don't fall for the absolute lie.
This is a coup and the media is involved.
What media and the government are doing is treason.
There's no little way easy way out.
They are caught 100%.
Question from audience
【If it's under military rule, why they still pushing the jab?】
This is an unconventional war.
Gen. Flynn won't tell me exactly what is going on (with regard to this).
This is a very, very closely kept secret and they there will be, there will be deaths that are caused by the tactics that are being used.
This is a war.
This is not a game.
This is a war.
Had Donald Trump not pushed the jab, had he not pushed it, we would have been locked down for the next 10 years.
This is Operation Walk, walk speed.
So there has been, yes, there's been losses, 100% as in a war...but it had to be done this way and I can assure you, the people at the top.
The world's economy. It's being collapsed on purpose.
We are now living real time.
In this shutting down of the world's economy.
I don't know if the charges against General Maria Barrett are true or not, but there is a lot of misinformation flying around this week and next.
Do not believe everything that comes out.
Listen to your soul and decide if it is right or wrong.
We are in a period right now where everything is going well. Everything has already been accomplished, all hurdles have been jumped over, everything has been shut down, locked down and done properly.
The QFS is all done, the new banking system is all built, all installed, and all ready to go.
Now we are just waiting for God to give us the green light.
All the hurdles have been jumped.
Everything has been shut down, locked down, it's done properly.
Becomes now that down to one simple thing, divine timing.
That's up to God.
Everything else is done.
The QFS, the setting up of the new banking system, Starling are all done and everything is ready.
It's just that we're waiting for God to give 【Green light】 for the wonderful better work.
The NESARA GESARA will be announced when the 【Green light】 is given.
I think the NESARA announcement will happen in September or October.
My gut tells me that we were in September or October.
We will get the announcement the green light which will then when we get the green light on the QFS, then get the green light on the one plan, the revaluation, Med beds...we get the green light on everything. Everything goes together.
I spoke to the designer of the official Q phone and he said that this (Dr. Carlie Ward shared a week ago) is not his exact phone, but this is very very similar.
Which then suggested to me that there will be other ones available out there.
※At the end of the live show, David, who was on the show, had some breaking news.

David :
Iran has closed its border with Iraq.
It seems to have something to do with financial matters.
Several things have been happening in Iraq recently.
It sounds like they are really trying to sort things out.
Finally getting rid of all the Cabal has prevented elections and a currency reset, so something is going on, we will find out in 48 hours.