
RV (currency revaluation) will happen by very soon!?

⚜From QFS Intel⚜

NESARA and GESARA both promise freedom from taxation and unlawful actions by corrupt parties.

The new digital, asset-backed currency provides this.

The overlords that lorded it over us for centuries will have no access and no authority to access.

This is also the beginning of the end of the banking system as we know it.

There will be no need for banks or middlemen, when we can deal safely and directly with the QFS.

We will have a direct link and a personal account on the Quantum Financial System.

The RV GCR and the Crypto community will both see a “settling of assets” taking place. This has to be the case.

That includes with BITCOIN which is presently considered “fiat” – no difference.

It will be given an exchange value and will be able to exchange for your country’s CBDC.

There’s no way that this new financial System can harm millions holding Bitcoin.

※I would like to add my view on this below.

This new Quantum System has been running for 2 years and knows everything.

This is said to be a white hat using the cartoon 【The Simpsons】
to imply the price of XRP on the QFS.

Those who have broken the laws, harmed innocents for financial gain, will quickly be arrested and removed.

That we will have the ULTIMATE PROOF of RV – delivered with a “new currency” that is digital, sovereign, and free of corruption, before the end of this month is the joyful take-away.

At the exchange, when RVers redeem their exotic-funny-money for huge sums that are held in a lawful new Quantum System, they will receive their personal “Crypto-wallet” and Quantum Computer, to manage their new assets.

The Stellar System will be running it, and XRP will be the mode of transfer of funds.

The Protocols 19 and 20 have been done.

We are now only waiting for ISO20022 all around the world, which must be done by the end of this month.

After the Protocol 20 is fully implemented, buying XRP will be facilitated in the bank and held like any currency account.

May 1 is the start of a new monetary System, the start of massive arrests and the beginning of Fair Trade for the first time in decades.

◆ Postscript (my view)◆

All this time, we've been talking about Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), etc., created by DS and used for human trafficking & money laundering 【DS cryptos】 were continually told that they would disappear because they could not pass the new regulations.

However, since last summer, the performance of ETH has gradually improved, information has started to change, and since autumn, 【ETH may be remain by any chance?】 such information was beginning to emerge.

The latest documents obtained this year showed that ETH will remain.

【Documents describing ETH's network】

However, there were few documents with BTC listed, and even if they were listed, it was impossible to determine whether BTC would remain or not based on the description, and even now, even the WH and Q officials are still saying that【99% of cryptos are gone and they say BTC will be gone for sure】.

Therefore, at this time, BTC, USDT, and other 【DS cryptos】 are not currencies that will remain, but I think that like fiat money, it can be exchanged for new QFS money even if it loses value.

And after the exchange is over, I believe BTC etc..., DS cryptos will disappear as planned.

Therefore, I think it would be better to exchange them into the main currencies such as XRP when the highest possible price.

【QFS Stable coins】
