SiriBetel/SiriRan/ChiruRan Meeting vol.2

Organized by Min
Participants Udon / Kakaokuru / Gabioe / Zarame / Siki / Seki-chan / Zou / Furimu / Memoruko / Migite / rn / Yu

I inadvertently left out the minutes at the beginning, sorry...

How did I get hooked on SIRIRAN?
I always thought Sirius was a clingy ex-boyfriend because of the scent in the OP.
I was so excited to see CHIRURAN in episode 11! I was so excited to see it, but then I got shocked by Shirayuri's incident (straight shock incident), and then my followers were really comforting me, thank you!
But when I saw the last episode, I thought there was still a chance for Chiru and Ran to get together, but then I saw Bethel's heavy emotions. But when I thought about it, I loved the heavy-hearted receiver.

I just happened to see a music video and started watching F-RAN.
Sirius' "I love you" comment was the trigger.

I'm a rotten girl, so if there are more than two guys in the room, it's a coupling.
I knew from the OP that there was something going on with these two.
Ranmaru was all about the offense, then he became a SIRIRAN in the last episode.
The last episode's "I love you" surprised me, "Ranmaru-kun was like that.
I'm a sucker for a guy who's devoted to his girlfriend, and a guy who's devoted to his girlfriend.
I knew that he quit being an idol because of the woman.
I'm the type of person who makes one of them straight, so there was no straight shock (episode 11).
I started watching his works because I like director HISHIDA HISHIDA, and I thought to Sirius, "This is the kind of guy he likes," and then in episode 11, "Oh, that one! (It was Ranmaru-kun.)

"I like sad couples so much that my friends call me a breakup artist, but with Ranmaru, I was able to keep my love clean and pass it on to the other person. I'm no longer a breakup artist.
I like director HISHIDA HISHIDA -> I thought HOMURA would be the one to fall in the straight frame.
The cherry blossoms ended up blooming beautifully in episode 12.
When I looked up "bloom or fall", I googled about flowers that bloom twice and Phalaenopsis orchids came up as the second search hit. Orchids "bloom" twice!

I've been watching HISHIDA HISHIDA's work (KING OF PRISM / Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live) -> I like the three guys from Over the Rainbow, and I like the couplings in them -> I'm sure there's a girl in F-RAN who falls in love with a girl -> I've read that the Sirius of the past is I've been reading that it's either Betelgeuse or Betelgeuse (one of them is probably breaking the ten rules).
I knew that underneath his clothes, he must be a bad guy with tattoos and piercings all over his body.
When I heard Sirius' poem, "Those who hurt you don't know they hurt you, but those who are hurt will always remember," I knew he wasn't a bad guy, he was a kind guy who couldn't stand to see people or 夭s get hurt.

I liked Homura at first.
When Sirius pointed at Homura, was he a bad guy after all?
I fell in love with Sirius after 11 episodes.
I thought he wouldn't say that. I thought he wouldn't say something like that, but Director HISHIDA gave me the answer on Twitter.

I like the way it looks.
I like Shine and George from KING OF PRISM → I thought it was Ranmaru or Sirius who controlled Shine (see KING OF PRISM) → The character I had my eye on was also the best inside!

I really like the look of Sirius.
Black Chirka, you're the best! (Her tits are squishy in the scene where she's running head-on.)

[Black Chirka's tummy hair discussion
Is the hair on Black Chirka's stomach pubic hair? I'd like to take a poll to see what people think.
Mr. Ishikawa said it was fur.
If there's a second season, I want everyone to fall (so I can see them in naughty costumes).
What's going to happen to Jyuka, especially when he doesn't have much cloth area even now?

I was shocked by episode 11, but I was saved by the fact that there were people on my Twitter timeline who were even more devastated than I was.
I didn't do much live action until around the last episode, so there's no record of it.
The gap between Ranmaru-kun and the past (Betelgeuse) has been stinging since the first episode.
I knew it from the OP. I love the big emotional confrontation.
At first, I thought it was a favor from Sirius.
"I guess he didn't say the rest, but I knew that's what he meant.

[The Mystery of "That's the Way It Is" (last episode)
I don't even know what Sirius' "That's how it is" in episode 6 is about.
It's a mystery why a reminiscence scene from episode 6 was included in episode 11 when Sirius said, "There are memories left in you..." If it was the old Betelgeuse, he would have attacked her without any mercy, but he showed her mercy and lowered his weapon, so Sirius knew it wasn't the old Betelgeuse.
I'd like to see more stories from the past... Is the reason why the staff (like Yamamoto-san) hasn't talked about Sirius and Ranmaru's past to an unnatural degree now because they plan to delve into it in the sequel?
The director of KING OF PRISM, Mr. HISHIDA, came up with a fundamental and important setting over several years.
Director HISHIDA has often made anime that airs for a year, so it would be impossible for him to write everything in an anime that airs for three months.
The other day, Mr. Yamamoto was having a meeting at Comet (he said they ran out of snacks in the meeting room) -> was he having a meeting about F-RAN?

In PONY CANYON's routine, live events are followed by the announcement of the sequel at the voice actors' events.
It's still too early to make an announcement at the September concert, so I thought there would be one more event for voice actors.

In the meantime, when the discs are released, Director HISHIDA will do an Insta-Live.
If I ask you what you mean by that, will you answer me?

Sirius goes to kill the Queen because Shirayuri was killed -> Betel is confused because she is crying and distraught -> Is that how it is? (She was crying because she liked me~!)

[The mystery of the Queen's "grin"]
Why was the Queen smirking at the scene of Shirayuri's accident? Why was she smiling at the scene of Shirayuri's accident? Why was she smiling at the scene of Shirayuri's accident?
Laughing at the foolishness of falling in love with a human woman?
The Queen's mind was sharp from the exhaustion of her labor, a harbinger of evil spirits?
The evil souls of the previous clients would not have gotten worse if they had been left alone, but many of the bad parts were amplified and turned into evil souls, and this is where they became evil souls.

From here, I will discuss the KING OF PRISM.
The Shine Theory (Director HISHIDA mentioned that Shine might appear in F-RAN in the fleet)
If Shain and Rinne were inhabiting each other, they would tend to be attracted to each other. If Shain was inhabited by Sirius, then Rinne was inhabited by Shirayuri and Betelgeuse? (Rinne can dwell in more than one.)
The deeper you think about it, the more you fall into Director HISHIDA's trap.

(Back to the story of how I got hooked)

I've been looking at the posters since before the anime started, and I thought Uruu-kun was the one to go for, then I thought Sirius was the one with the beautiful sister, then I thought people with long hair in edgy costumes would fall off, then I thought it would depend on his face, then I saw Sirius in the second Jyuka duty episode and he was so cute!
She has a neutral face, she's right up there with Uruu! I want my guess to be happy, and his partner is Ranmaru-kun!
It's not that I like them as a coupling, it's that I like one of them.
I was at the TSUBO-DOME (my muscles hurt from waving the penlight too much).
In the transformation bank, he turns black, and I love him even more! I can't stop thinking about Sirius from that point on.

I liked Homuuru, so I was like, "Oh... you're a big emotional guy."
When I heard the song, I thought, "This song sounds like Scorpius Woman.
I thought he was a clingy guy, a chaser, but he wasn't at all.
I saw the straight shock case (episode 11) on TL and thought "this is shocking".
After the last episode, I went back and looked at it and read the interpretation, and although the acrobatic kiss was good business, it was hard to think about what Betelgeuse was thinking at that moment.
Even if it's a fake kiss, it's sad to think that for Betelgeuse it was a moment of happiness while being half sad.

[It's unusual for a purple character to be the main character, isn't it?
Ranmaru is a unique character with amnesia. He is the type who does not assert himself.
Purple is a color that doesn't have a fixed characterization (red for hot-blooded, blue for cool, etc.), and it works well to keep the audience guessing until the end.
It was a good idea to use a character with a color that doesn't have a fixed image as the main character.

Isn't it possible that the two colors of the Winter Tri-Angels are mixed together to form purple? If you mix red and blue, you get purple!
In the Winter Tri-Angels, their rings were red and blue, respectively, and after Ranmaru, they had purple rings, but Sirius' ring had nothing on it!

(Back to you.)

When Ranmaru-kun started singing in the first episode, he said, "I'm doing something very interesting" and "I'm crazy", and I didn't understand the meaning of the lyrics at first.
You can understand the meaning of each lyric from the second episode onwards, when you're on duty, so Ranmaru-kun is putting his heart into helping humans.
When I heard the second verse of Ranmaru's song, I thought, "This is going to take two or three turns," but it did, and the fact that Ranmaru sang it means that he still has feelings for her.
The moment the cherry blossoms bloomed and Sirius's feelings were sublimated, he said "I love you", and Ranmaru's song was written by HISHIDA HISHIDA!
The choice of what is revealed in the main story and what is revealed in the story is amazing.

I'm sure your perspective and thoughts will change depending on who you're pushing.
Sirius: "Sirius is a natural bastard" - Sirius should take responsibility and make Ranmaru happy!
If you like Sirius, you can't create something like "I like Betelgeuse" (because the main story is so bad). If you like Sirius, you can't create

I'm the type who can take on Sirius. I don't have the idea that I have to be this way.
I want to make them smile. I want to see a dark fall, but I want to draw a happy one.

Ranmaru has a head full of offense, and if he's not careful, he'll turn it around.
Not fixed to left or right, more of a rebel omnivore.

About Fan Art
Zarame's work makes me happy to read! (Happy tendencies)
I'm a light-hearted rotten girl and I'm not good at death stories.

I like Gabioe's manga very much -> How can I make a story?
I've been thinking about "I'll release it only to you" ever since I first heard it.
Ever since I saw the acrobatic kiss, I knew these guys would only fuck 69.
I'll be the first one to tell you what I think.

I'll be the first to draw it! That's what I'm trying to do.
・F-RAN's secondary works should have a more male style.
The number of secondary works is slowly increasing now, and it will continue to increase!
I don't say it out loud, but I'm sure there are people who have F-RAN on their list of anime to watch, but whether they'll buy the BD/DVD is another matter.

"I live my life with Twitter in my hand."
There are always people around the F-RAN Twitter area.
You're writing so fast, are you sure you're alone? Isn't this an account managed by multiple voice actors?
Lately, I've been seeing a lot of people who are new to my pictures! I'm so happy that I've become a new RT comedian.

The contrast between Uruu & Homura and Sirius & Ranmaru
I really like the relationship between Homura and Uruu, and the relationship between Homura and Sirius Procyon Betelgeuse is a pair.
Uruu and Homura have a "communicated relationship," while Sirius and Ranmaru have an "uncommunicated relationship.
I think the reason for the complication is that Betelgeuse didn't tell Sirius about her love when he was dumped by Shirayuri. The goal was to tell her in the last episode!

How much of Ranmaru's memory has returned?
When I look at fan art works, I see that people have different interpretations of how far their memories have returned.
The line between Ranmaru and Betelgeuse is blurred.
Ranmaru himself did not say that his memory had returned.
Do you vaguely remember it or not?
In the song "Enka," I sing about the impulses I've had for a long time, so do the feelings still remain?

[About the feather]
The relationship between Ranmaru's feather wound and his memory -> Yamamoto-san said it was rotten.
When I stabbed myself, I cracked open my wings and became Ranmaru. - Does the fact that my wings are missing mean that my memory is missing? →If the feather doesn't return, the memory won't return either?
If Sirius and I make love and the feathers regenerate, it'll be the happiest ending ever!
Sirius is the only one who knows "I love you" from the last episode. The others haven't seen it (or heard it).

The idea that Ranmaru and Betelgeuse are different people -> Ranmaru is receiving memories about Sirius as "someone else's memories".
Did you tell them that you love them in someone else's memory?

Is Ranmaru's (Betelgeuse) love agape or eros?
Betelgeuse is Eros, Ranmaru is Agape?
It was born from Ranmaru's painful experience with Betelgeuse that Sirius wanted to like her even if she liked someone else.
I wonder if Betelgeuse is also Agape. I think so, but I don't know why no one blames me.
Betelgeuse and Sirius may have been born by the Queen in a yin-yang (yin-yang and five elements theory) pair?

Sirius and Betelgeuse are Adam and Eve, or so the argument goes.
There was Adam and he was lonely, so Eve was created.
Sirius was born first because of his size difference? If so, Betelgeuse was born from a part of Sirius' body? In the case of the expulsion from paradise, Betelgeuse seduced Sirius and he expelled him.
Did you fall because you thought Bethel was going to side with you?
Isn't Sirius the first?

Adam was created first, and then Eve was created from his bones.
The serpent, the incarnation of the devil, seduced Eve to eat the apple fruit (forbidden fruit), and she learned to be ashamed of herself → When she eats the apple, she can do what God used to do for her (fruit of wisdom).
After Eve, Adam ate the apple.
The first to fall will be Eve, who ate the apple first.

★Dichotomous Twins Theory
Could they simply be fraternal twins?
Identical twins have about half the same cells, but they look different.
Sirius fell in love with a human woman, which led him to quit the Younger Sacred Order, Sirius found love, Betelgeuse found love for Sirius, but they couldn't have it both ways, Sirius fell into darkness, and Betelgeuse broke the Younger Sacred Order.
There's a difference between loving a woman and loving a man, but we're both betrayed by love.
Incest? That's my preference.

It's a pairing, isn't it?
Everything about Siri and Bethe is the same. Their feathers are the color of each other's hair, their outfits are matching black and white, and their hands are dominant (Siri is left-handed and Bethe is right-handed).
Sirius is brown-skinned, which is also a pair.
Sirius has an ego, he doesn't change his appearance too much, he's confident in who he is. He doesn't need to change his skin color or anything that much. Even though the Queen and Ranmaru are changing too.
Even if Shirayuri rejects me, I'm not going to stare at the sky alone in an empty concert hall and become desperate!
I'm going to get married, so I'm going to quit being an idol and settle everything! I'm going to get married, so I'll quit being an idol and get rid of everything!
"I'm in love with you, I'm in love with you", but she doesn't realize her love, why! →Betelgeuse was holding back so that he wouldn't realize his feelings?
They both smiled when they kissed at the sales desk during the Winter Tri-Angels period, so Betelgeuse must have been someone that Sirius loved (though not romantically).
Sirius thought that Betelgeuse would stand by him until the very end, that's how much he trusts Betelgeuse.

Why isn't there any Sirius merchandise available?
I imagined that Sirius was there for the goods before the broadcast, so why?
Sensitive out? (No, no, no...)
I'm not sure what to make of this, but I think it's a good idea.
You wanted to take off your clothes, you wanted to let go.

The name calling problem (Is it Sirius? Is it Chilka?
In episode 6, "Did you forget about me? My name is Chilka" - Even if Ranmaru had memories, wouldn't it be confusing if he called himself Chilka? Shouldn't he call himself Sirius?
When you propose to Shirayuri, you're already calling yourself Chilka, aren't you?
"I'm a Chirka from today," he told Betelgeuse.
I'm having trouble with the name. Is it no longer Chilka because the cherry blossoms bloomed in the last episode? Sirius?
Betelgeuse is also called Betel? →The fans of TSUBO-DOME said "Betel-kun ♡♡", so the abbreviation is officially Betel.

Up until episode 11, Ranmaru called him Chilka, but in the last episode, he called him Sirius, so Sirius.
Ranmaru doesn't like Chilka, but he does like Sirius as Betelgeuse.
The name on the OP is also changed to Tenrouin Sirius.
Chirka only during the period from "Blooming or Falling" to around the last episode.
I don't know what Sirius will call himself from now on, and I won't know the answer until the rest of the story comes.

What will happen to Sirius in the sequel?
What will happen to Sirius 夭 Holy Mode's clothes? What's going to happen when the merchandise comes out? Will there be a Sirius-kun set? (There are multiple versions of all the costumes)
Will it be Ranmaru's counterpart?
Is he going to be like Tuxedo Mask? (In the original Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Mask didn't fight, but actually fought. (Even in the original Sailor Moon, the Tuxedo Mask doesn't fight, but Sailor Moon does)
Is Ranmaru Fairley also Sailor Moon? The original shape-shifting bishounen?

★CP notation problem
There's too much SHIRIBETEL, SIRIRAN, and CHIRURAN! Unify them!
I'm so confused that I end up using all three tags.
At any rate, if you search for all three of these, you'll get a hit for one of the derivative works.
I'm sure no one else will tag their posts with anything other than this.

★ Image Song
Amano Tsukiko "NOISE" -> The lyrics are linked anyway (lyrics) (MV)

I'd like to be able to say that I've never been a big fan of the game, but I'm not sure how I feel about it. (lyrics) (MV)

Love Live (name of work) "NO EXIT ORION" -> See the lyrics are moronic.

Tokyo 7th Sisters (work name) "Behind Moon" -> The backside of the moon is also a word in the Chirka glossy song Friends who finished their journey -> Shirayuri?

Macross F (work name) "Northern Cross" -> Words of love that could not be saved due to being drowned out by the waves of time = "Aishiteru (lyrics)

Love Live (work name) "Loveless World" -> Betelgeuse who wants to fall in the dark (lyrics) (MV)

Black Star (title of work) "I Give All of Myself to You" --> love triangle, song of plundering love A man who became a werewolf, his wolf self (wants to eat her) and his human self (wants to love her) (lyrics) (MV)

Snow Song Yufu (VOCALOID) "The Angel Who Calls Winter" is the happien song after the main story. (lyrics) (MV)

The Wolfles: "Banzai" ← Imeson for creative writing (lyrics) (MV)

Tokyo 7th Sisters (work name) "SAKURA" - the song when Betel-kun becomes the new Ranmaru (I forget you and love you anew, though it's the same person again) (lyrics)

Ranmaru's "Aishiteru" was said word for word, and the one where he picks up the brake light five times in Future Vision 2.

Golden Bomber "Say I love you!" ← This song is good~ *not an imeson

Please reply to Min if you find any other SIRIRAN (SHIRIBETEL) immersions like this! If you find any, please reply to Min! Thank you very much! ----

★ Ranmaru's memories and personality
A shoujo manga-like hypothesis called "I like you, Suzuki-kun" (spoiler alert below)
The main heroine has amnesia in the middle of the story, her personality is different before and after the memory loss, her memory comes back at the end of the story, she loves both the girl before and the girl after the memory loss, she is not Ranmaru or Betelgeuse, but a third being (a fusion of both elements) I think it's possible.
→The hero's monologue to the heroine: "I'm in love for the third time.

The "Yu-Gi-Oh!" Theory
It's like Yugi Mutoh and the other me are in my brain, possessing me.
→It would be interesting if Bethel and Ranmaru changed from time to time.

The way Betelgeuse thinks and acts is different from the way Ranmaru thinks and acts.
Sirius only has Sirius's point of view ← How does he feel when he sees his partner who has changed?

In a riddle poem, he said that a name is just a decoration.
When I finish the last part of the poem and look back at it again, it stings. Who am I talking about, myself, Shirayuri, Betelgeuse? Who am I talking about, myself, Shirayuri, Betelgeuse, or the unborn saints and humans I've seen?
I want you to sell Sirius' daily riddle poem calendar.

[Quiet talk, various things]
It's fun to listen to other people's interpretations!
Even though we were watching the same anime at the same time, they were all different and interesting.
Everyone says what I've been thinking in my mind but can't verbalize.

Some men's personalities stay the same, while others change.
I like to imagine what I'll wear.
Girls are fun because they have a wide range of clothes.
But I don't want to change my hairstyle because of my personal taste.

★ A commitment to secondary creation
I'm a big fan of Ranmaru, so I can't help but write with the premise that I want Ranmaru to be happy. Of course I want Sirius to be saved, but I want Ranmaru to be the one who saves Sirius.

I want to write a happy creation.
I can't think of a happy ending. I'm not sure what to make of it.
Sirius' love for Ranmaru is so dark that it's stuck with him.
Even if Sirius has a flowery love for Ranmaru, I want it to be a stalker-like pure love.

Even if they both fell into the darkness and became corrupt, they would both die (starve to death) without the book of love.
Personally, I don't like death stories, so I don't want to see them. I want to make her smile, the rotten girl of light.
After the last episode, Sirius, Ranmaru, and I will go to Shirayuri's grave and start from there.

They've never talked about it, so they're not on the same page. If they talked properly, they would be able to understand each other because they are straightforward people.

But these guys don't have sex in the book! That's how I feel when I draw them.
I draw according to my desire.

There are a lot of Homuuru but not enough SIRIRAN, why?
(*For the sake of convenience, I'll use Homuuru, but Uruhomu is the same.

The reason why there are more and more Homuuru is because they have done a good job of changing the relationship in their works. So it's easy to write.
There are many barriers and mysteries in SIRIRAN, such as name problems and memory problems.
On the contrary, there are so many patterns that I want to draw so many things! Some people say
Homuuru is easy to write because it's settled in the main story, and Siran can be written by someone who can think of margins.
On the other hand, there are people like Homuuru who can't create anything if it's written carefully in the main story. On the other hand, there are some people like Homuuru who can't create anything if it's written carefully in the main story, and it's easier for them to create a cape like Siriran where they can fill in the blank spaces with their imagination.

I can't write about it because I'm a virgin, but I can write about Siran.

Ken couples are relationships that I admire. I don't know, because I can't relate to them, though I "like" them as something precious. I can write if I'm SIRAN because I can easily relate to Ranmaru's point of view.

[What to do when you're stuck in SIRIRAN creation (worrying about how to take Siri to Ran)
Nakamura Shungiku's "Junjo Terrorist" (another spin-off from the work "Junjo Romantica")
The story is about a university professor (offense) and a high school boy (acceptance) who have a one-sided love for each other. In the last story, he takes his lover to the grave and declares, "I love this guy. This is a great scene and I hope everyone will read it. It doesn't mean that the feelings for the deceased lover disappear, but a new love can be found.

Even without the straight shock and BL, Sirius' loss of his girlfriend was a huge shock.
If someone had been there to listen to me, it might have been different.
I want someone to stay by Sirius' side after the last episode. Because I like Sirius. Then who would it be? Ranmaru.
I want you two to tell each other the things you haven't told each other until now. I've never looked at Ranmaru that way before, so...

"I'm creating while wondering what love is.
I've never had a coupling that made me visit a grave and cry.

I want all kinds of people to see F-RAN. It's amazing that the suicide scene is written so vividly, as well as the kiss between men. A new era. I want to see more and more of HISHIDA's thoughts.

The sequel may become the new SIRIRAN.
SIRIRAN is being held hostage by the sequel.

I'd like to see it in the second season.
Sirius needs help with a girl who was a fan of the Winter Triangles, whose memories of the Winter Tri-Angels are missing, who used to like an idol very much but can't remember... and who is now addicted to hosts or underground idols. Client. I need Sirius to help me out.
Sirius: "Humans are weak." Ranmaru: "That's not true." I want you to lead the way in helping them.
I want you to think that there was a meaning to what you were doing with Winter Tri-Angels -> you will accept Ranmaru, the past, and Shirayuri, and it will lead to SIRIRAN.

I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.
I don't know what's going on with the clothes, so I have to draw them in my imagination.
For making costumes for cosplayers.

Is Black Chirka's forehead and drop ears connected to her clothes?
Someone tweeted that the black chirka is a goat. It looks like a yamayuga.
Since 夭 is made up of two elements, Black Chirka is a goat demon and Ga?

Sirius said, "You have a surprisingly good body."
I'm sure you're not the only one who's a little puffed up when you change from your human form to your premature communion, Sirius.

How do you take off your clothes, Seiranmaru-kun?
→The zipper (middle line) inside after removing the belt?
I want you to put your hands behind your back because my back is open.
Couldn't you just magically take it off with a snap of your fingers?

I don't know what to do with the black chirka, he's got pointy nails.
It's good manners to cut your nails! But there are also Ranmaru who want to be hurt.

The ear-like parts of Chilka and the feathers of the youngest saint seem sensitive.
Ear sensitivity is a must.
I love it. I love that kind of thing.
"I saw it in ToLOVEL."

He doesn't have a tail, though he should have one since he's a young saint.

Black Chirka has a smooth butt.
The term "reverse bunny" fits perfectly.
I'm sure Ranmaru-kun has a beautiful butt too, since Chilka and Ranmaru are a pair!

[That part of the black Chirka from the Bibi Ami collaboration
-Men's underwear has pockets for storing their testicles, and Chilka's costume has such bag-shaped parts!
Compared to Uruu and Homura, the shape is beautiful and not puffy.
You can see that there are two of them, like highlights.
It's a perfect fit.
When I was running with the song, my boobs were shaking, but not here.
It's a battle suit for fighting, but it exposes weaknesses.
Claim that it is here.

Black Chirka, long and thin legs.
Black Chirka's unborn body is the most handsome thing I've ever seen.
It's a different kind of shock than Uruu's transformation bank.

The kiss in episode 11 was also a shock.
Fall of Jusco→Return Jusco! (Indecent exposure)

I want eye catching screen goods. I don't care if it's Seven Neppli...
I'm sure there are fans of Sirius in the untimely world.

What was it about Sirius that attracted Betelgeuse to him?
oval face (e.g. of a beautiful woman)
Unconscious seduction (sinful man!)

There is an idol song about the moment you fall in love.
→The cherry blossoms fell, "Spring has fallen!"←You've done this before, Sirius.

★Winter Triangle
When I was an idol, I would have been the first person from the underground to do contact handshaking.
Most of the fans are right-handed, but Sirius is left-handed, but he would have done it on the right side to match the fans, even though it would have been uncomfortable because it's not his dominant arm.
If you are loved by many people, you tend to become arrogant.
I'm sure you had a lot of memories with the Queen and Betelgeuse, but Shirayuri wanted to be with you even if she had to leave them behind.

We were at the TSUBO-DOME.

The fan base seems to be different between Sirius and Betelgeuse.
The left and right side of the venue have the same color of penra = trained geeks?
There could be a TSUBO-DOME psyllium committee (red on the right from here, blue on the left! And so on)
Remote control Kimble?
In that scene, the color of the penra is different for each person, some are completely red, some are pinkish.

He seems to be making videos on Youtube, holding fan meetings, and holding events on a regular basis.
I don't have a dream business with women, so I can limit my activities to just one.
They look like they're feeding each other, dressing up as women, having slumber parties.

Let's publish a book about Winter Tri-Angels.

When it was aired in real time, Twitter went wild (it's going to be a F-RAN idol show!?). and)

How do I spread the word about F-RAN?
F-RAN has a small number of Tokyoites and Kantoites, and most of the people who participate in events such as collaboration cafes and exchange goods are fixed members.

If there's a support screening, I'll pay for your ticket. I could spread the word, but...
→Once you're in the movie theater, you can't get out--that's good because you can be restrained!

He says, "Look at me, I'm going to be healthy." (Nerd, look at me, I'm going to be healthy.)
Distribution services are not binding -> It is effective to come to the house and show them.
When I was in high school, you could walk down the street and see a geek.
Just watch the first three episodes!

I wanted people to see it, so I started to spread the word, and they said I was religious.
I'm going to become an F-RAN yakuza...

I want you to release a stamp for my line, so I can give it to everyone.
"I want the "I understand" stamp, and I want the power words that I don't know how to use. "Yo! Wabi-sabi! "I'm all yours!" "Stall!"
I'd like to get the 10 lessons stamp.

I want a life-size figure, a human figure, and a manju.
Where can I contact you? Ponyca?
Sirius goods...


In spite of our spur-of-the-moment invitation, 13 people showed up and we talked for over 5 hours!
To all of you who participated, thank you so, so much!

Misspelled words, wrong here! I want you to change this! If you have any questions, please contact Min.

These minutes are free material.
Don't worry about being covered in stories, just use it as you see fit for your creative work!

Some of us couldn't make it this time due to work commitments, etc., so let's do it again, or at least we will!