
名文精読 03/24講 2024年4月26日(金)

課題テキスト:Helen Keller, "JUST FIVE WORDS”

“JUST FIVE WORDS” by Helen Keller

“I think, therefore I am” - Descartes

Helen Keller, when 19 months old, was made both blind and deaf through illness. Nevertheless, in an incredible victory of spirit over body, she learned to speak, to read, and to write a series of beautiful and spiritual books including ''Out of the Dark,’’ ''Midstream,” and "Peace at Eventide.” In the following comment she shares an experience which helped to illuminate her life:

Mine has been the limited experience of one who lives in a world without color and without sound. But ever since my student days I have had a joyous certainty that my physical handicaps were not an essential part of my being, since they were not in any way part of my mind. This faith was confirmed when I came to Descartes’ maxim, ‘I think, therefore I am.” Those five emphatic words waked something in me that has never slept since. I knew then my mind could be, a positive instrument of happiness, bridging the dark, silent void with concepts of a vibrant, light-flooded happiness. I learned that it is possible for us to create light and sound and order within us, no matter what calamity may befall us in the outer world.
(NY Herald Tribune, 4/20/47)




ごく短く、簡潔にして明瞭、英語的にも比較的 ”読みやすい” 断章だと感じられたかも知れません。しかし同時に、読み手に対して、決して軽くはない課題をつきつける文章でもあったのではないでしょうか。ケラーの人生は Words to live by. に支えられ、導かれたものであったが、現代のニホン人の多くにはこれがないという実実をどう考えるべきなのか・・・。なにも見えず、なにも聞こえず、なにも語り得ないのは、果たして<障がい者> たるケラーであるのか、それとも<健常者>たる我らのほうか・・・。「三重苦」どころか「思考」も完全停止、いやそもそも停止すべきところの思考が不在。"I think not; therefore I am not. “ をこそ座右の銘とすべきなのか???... 'they may indeed see but not perceive, and may indeed hear but not understand” Mark 4:12


  1. The words to live by の訳語選定

  2. 接続詞+分詞構文

  3. through と by の違い

  4. sprit over body の解釈

  5. to V, to V and to V の to を省略しないことの効果

  6. since の3品詞

  7. This faith was confirmed... の解釈

  8. カンマによる形容詞の並列(等位と累積の違いについてはいずれまた)

  9. A and B and C 型の列挙の含意

  10. 譲歩構文(詳細はいずれまた)

  11. 補足(余談?)

    1. Darwin の On the Origin of Species のフルタイトルに含まれる複数の of の相違について

    2. R. Scott の Discoverie of Wichcraft の of について

    3. R. Decartes のジョークと Est! Est!! Est!!! について

    4. F. Bacon の Knowledge is power. と Ignorance is strength. [1984] について

    5. "France is bacon" ...

    6. John Polkinghorne の Faith についての名文
