
Love can change your life

Hi Everyone, I am here again giving the stories of my experience in my daily life. I have been in love in to this Japanese guy and I am a Filipino. He is the very first person I have so deeply in loved and to be honest I have dedicate my life, my heart and my future for him

In a relationship there will always be conflict or should I say different opinions. We explain both our sides and we cannot settle in a decision that will both agree. But you know loving someone does it really needs you to obliged to the other side and just follow him. I already swallowed my pride and dignity for him.

I have declined all the opportunities for me just to be with him but his idea to live with me in a different country is the one he wanted. I don't know why but I sacrificed the opportunities just to be with him but in the end he doesn't want to live with me for our business. It is so sad and painful like I my heart is being torn to pieces. But as I love him so much in the end I agree to his decision.

It is true that loving someone truly change the way you live. I learn now how to smile but deep inside I am already flooding with tears of being sadness but I can't do anything about it. I do hope that this will be only challenges for me and once I overcome it I can live a happy life with him.

My dream is just simple it is not to be rich or live in a luxury life but to spend all my remaining days beside him even we are living in a simple life. I do believe in the saying money can't buy happiness.

Thank you for always reading my daily struggles and experiences. Writing is one of the best way to show your happiness and even sadness.
