
GREwords Collection No.121~No.141

① The government is cracking down on for-profit college where a large percentage of the graduates cannot use their degree to gain employment and end up defaulting on their student loans.

① You must elect a new health plan by December 31st or by default you will be re-enrolled in the plan you selected last year.

② In many cultures, young people are expected to show deference to older people at all times.

② I'm not an expert in databases - I'll defer to our programmers on that decision.

② ingrid deferred her college admissions for a year so she could travel the world.

③ The purpose of a shield is to deflect arrows or bullets from an enemy.

③ Evert time he was asked a difficult question, Senator Warrington deflected by changing the topic, saying he'd answer later, or even - increasingly, it seemed - calling for a moment of prayer.

④ The Resident Assistant told the first-year students, "I think you will find not only that drugs are illegal and will result in expulsion, but also that drug abuse will have a deleterious effect on anyone's grades."

⑤ I do need the cash, but I'm not signing up for this psychological experiment unless you delineate what's going to happen.

⑥ Many jokes in the Meet the Parents trilogy come from Robert De Niro's character denigrating Ben Stiller's character for being a male nurse.

⑦ The company's brand denotes quality: the marketing team has done a fantastic job of associating the company's image with fine service.

⑦ There's nothing in the denotation of "crotchety" (grumpy, having strong and irrational preferences) that indicates any particular groups of people, but due to the expression, "crotchety old man", the word connotes, for many people, an image of an especially unpleasant male senior citizen.

⑧ The manager really thought his employees as "stupid" or "lazy" would motivate them to work harder; instead, it motivated them to constantly hide his office supplies as an act of revenge.

⑨ The singer's first album was a disappointment, derivative of several hit albums from the previous year, as though a management team had simply picked out the elements from other popular songs that they thought would make the most money.

⑩ The key to maintaining odor-free shoes is to desiccate the insole by placing a drying agent, such as a small pouch of baking soda, inside the shoe between wears.

⑩ Beef jerky is a desiccated meat product.

⑪ He found her detached demeanor inappropriate for a funeral. it's fine to politely ask how someone died, but it's not appropriate to coldly question a relative on the medical history of the deceased.

⑪ The divorce proceeding was full of anger and recriminations, but the judge was able to make a detached decisions.

⑫ Some argue that the death penalty is a deterrent to crime - that is, the point is not just to punish the guilty, but to frighten other prospective criminals.

⑬ I'd stay out of the living room for awhile - Grandpa's on another one of his diatribes about how it's un-American to call a large coffee a "venti." You can hear him ranting from here!

⑭ She might have been Teacher of the Year at work, but at home, her husband wished she would turn off her didactic personality. "Honey," he said, "I really don't need you to use everything as a lecturing opportunity."

⑭ The child was disappointed when the storybook turned didactic in the end, with the teddy bears - and the reader - being admonished never to die.

⑮ Grandpa digressed quite a bit when you were in the kitchen - he was telling us an old war story, but somehow now he's ranting about how nobody celebrates Arbor Day anymore. That digression could take awhile.

⑯ This hotel was described as "near all the hot spots," but I didn't realize that I wouldn't be able to sleep due to the all-night din from partygoers.

⑰ Do you really believe that toilets flush one way in the Northern hemisphere and another way in the Southern? Any physicist would be happy to disabuse you of that silly notion.

⑱ In an age in which we are bombarded with advertising, it's important to be a discerning consumer. For instance, the term "all natural" is not federally regulated and doesn't have to mean anything at all, so smart shopper still reads ingredients.

⑲ Congresswoman Huffman's opponent tried to use her friendship with a certain radical extremist to discredit her, even though the Congresswoman hadn't seen this so-called "extremist" since sixth grade summer camp.

⑳ When there is a discrepancy between a store's receipts and the amount of money in the register, the cashier's behavior is generally called into question.

③ deference: 服従; 尊敬,敬意 〔to,toward〕defer: 〔人に〕(敬意を表して)譲る,従う 〔to〕. defer: 〈…を〉延ばす,延期する

④ deleterious: 有害な; 有毒な.

⑦ crotchety: 気まぐれな,奇狂な. 〈老人が〉気難しい,ぐちっぽい

⑪ detached: 〈人・態度など〉無関心な,超然とした〈人・意見など〉とらわれない,私心のない,公平な

demeanor: 物腰,態度; 表情,様子 《★【類語】⇒manner》

recrimination: [具体的には 【可算名詞】; 通例複数形で] 非難し返すこと,逆襲.

⑫ prospective: 予期される,見込みの(ある).

⑭ didactic:〈話など〉教訓的な,説教的な.〈人が〉人に教えたがる,教師ぶった.

admonish: 〈人を〉さとす,〈人に〉注意する,忠告する.

⑰ disabuse: 〈人の〉迷いを解く; 〈人に〉誤りを気づかせる 〈人の〉〔迷い・誤解などを〕解く〔of〕.