
The Importance of Orchard Extruded Anti Bird Netting for Birds Trouble

As for the harm caused by birds, we all know that it is very important for those places where agriculture or aquaculture is needed, because there will be a lot of birds that will damage the fruits in the orchard, and they will also prey on the fish and shrimps in the aquaculture, which will greatly reduce the yield. Therefore, in this regard, there is the implementation of the orchard extruded anti-bird net, and it can make the level of the industry in a stable trend. Let's see how serious the harm of birds is. I hope it will help you.

The damage caused by birds is often partial, which varies with time, place and people's level of awareness and specific needs. The most obvious is the damage in agriculture caused by birds such as wild geese, parrots, pheasants, doves, and many species of corvidae, finches and ornithidae of passeriformes are all grain eaters or seedling peckers, the most famous of which is sparrow. On the basis of weighing the gains and losses, we should choose appropriate methods to control. Birds can carry some bacteria, fungi and parasites, and some of them can be spread among poultry, livestock or human beings. Therefore, it is very urgent to carry out the research on bird diseases and parasites to find out the transmission way among them and the relationship with human health and the protection of birds and human health.

Although bird seems a small species, its destructive power cannot be underestimated. If you are interested in our extruded anti bird netting, you can learn more about it.

As one of the leading agricultural netting manufacturers, Meyabond supplies plastic netting, orchard bird netting, grape netting for sale and etc.
